Vol. 125 No. 11
"I Will Veto Again and Again"
Reagan kills a farm bill while lawmakers eye defense; ROUGH HOUSE Two Congressmen square off
American Notes Crime
Thayer Admits a Stock Swindle
American Notes Marriage
The Power of Perseverance
American Notes Medicine
Testing Blood for Aids
American Notes Military
A $30 Million Wrong Number
American Notes The Vice President
Help for a Hungry Land
Deadly Traffic on the Border
A drug agent is found murdered
Gearing Up in Geneva
Reagan issues his marching orders for a new round of arms talks
Getting Tough?
The Pentagon stops payment
Moving Toward the Middle
Sick of caucuses, Sunbelt Democrats form--what else?--a caucus
Putting the Squeeze on Congress
The Administration floats some schemes for helping the CONTRAS
Selma's Painful Progress
Civil rights marchers recall a notorious anniversary
The Presidency
Letting Regan Be Regan
Britain Challenging Government Secrets
A wiretapping expose brings calls for reforming an archaic law
Chile Killer Quake
A scene from the INFERNO
China the Puzzle of the New
Open-door economics and a search for spiritual renewal
"I Am Not in Doubt"
Middle East Aftershocks in Beirut
As U.S. warships head eastward, more blood is shed
World Notes Alliances
Warsaw Pact Murmurs
World Notes Anniversaries
A Bridge to the Past
World Notes El Salvador
F.P.L. Spells Murder
World Notes Greece
Papandreou Breaks a Promise
World Notes South Korea
Scrapping a Blacklist
Zimbabwe a Bitter Feud Continues
Mugabe and Nkomo struggle for their country's future
A Lift for Endangered Cranes
Two rare Chinese birds are sent to Wisconsin to mate
A Bold Gamble in Tucson
Doctors try an unproven artificial heart, but the patient dies
Beyond a Spoonful of Sugar
Move over Mary Poppins; here come the stateside nannies
In Minnesota: Birthday Bash for a Native Son
(American Scene)
Changing the Guard At 60
Media Baron Samuel I. Newhouse will buy THE NEW YORKER
Apostle of Sunny Thoughts
Upbeat showmanship makes Robert Schuller a top televangelist
Masters of Their Own Game
On the ice and on the boards, always several moves ahead
Cover Stories to Be Simply the Best
Hockey's Gretzky, basketball's Bird and the wonder of how they do it
The New Breeds of Software
Programs for making art, probing minds, dabbling in pork bellies
Business Notes Airlines
(Economy & Business)
Freight-Class Flights
Business Notes Communications
(Economy & Business)
Giving the Owners the Hook
Business Notes Computers
(Economy & Business)
Too Many Apples on the Shelf
Business Notes Regulations
(Economy & Business)
Putting the Knock on Lead
Business Notes Securities
(Economy & Business)
Where Did the $300 Million Go?
European Labor in Retreat
(Economy & Business)
The British miners' strike ends amid a Continent-wide decline in union clout
The High Price of Freedom
(Economy & Business)
Phillips goes deeply in debt to repulse corporate raiders
Tough Tidings
(Economy & Business)
The message bearer's woes
Tropical Rent-A-yacht
(Economy & Business)
Tax breaks make dreams come true for would-be commodores
Launchpad for Superachievers
A remarkable junior-high plan turns out college-level pupils
Chip-Chip-Chipping Away
A new exception to MIRANDA'S "bright line"
A Hit Show for the Record
(Show Business)
Tim Rice's new musical has arrived everywhere, except onstage
Author, Teacher, Witness
Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel speaks for the silent
Painful Truth the Octette Bridge Club
by P.J. Barry
Seductive Self-Delusion the Loves of Anatol
by Arthur Schnitzler
Soul Trek Black Robe
by Brian Moore Dutton; 246 pages; $15.95
Uneasy Riders and a Pig
Three new comedies hit the road, while one stays in the sty
On the Record
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
Journalese for the Lay Reader