Vol. 125 No. 2
American Notes Hijackings
Seeking Haven in Havana
A Talk with Nancy Reagan
"It Doesn't Mean You Change As a Person. It means you have grown"
Co-Starring At the White House
Nancy Reagan's clout and causes bring new respect
The Presidency
The Second Toughest Job
End of the Line
A subway shooter surrenders
Exit the Californians
Deaver and Clark leave their longtime mentor
Explosions Over Abortion
More clinic bombings spur widespread concern and controversy
Laying Down a Tough Line
Washington publicizes its stance for the Geneva talks
Made in America
Two friends discuss trade
Shooting for the Stars
Space-based defense technology is still well over the horizon
China "It Cannot Harm Us"
From merit raises to free-market prices, Deng pushes his daring reforms
El Salvador Coffee Caper
Bargaining with the guerrillas
France the New Refrain: "Vive L'Amerique"
A prickly, once indifferent nation enjoys a love affair with the U.S.
India a Mandate for Cleanup and Change
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi gives an interview
Israel an Airlift to the Promised Land
Ethiopia's black Jews are spirited out in a secret operation
Poland Hints of a Contract From the Top
A murder trial bares the workings of the secret police
Scandinavia Wayward Missile
A Soviet cruise takes a cruise
World Notes Soviet Union
How the Mighty Fall
Cloven Smokers
Dangers in a teen-age fad?
Making Bones As Good As New
A delicate surgical procedure is saving damaged limbs
In Idaho: Living Outside of Time
(American Scene)
Is Smiling Dangerous to Women?
Ralph and Wanda talk about grinning and female oppression
Newswatch Is It Fact Or Opinion?
Freeing a Pope
An Egyptian's banishment ends
Outward, Christian Soldiers
Police oust seven militants from a Lutheran church
A Global Money Machine
(Economy & Business)
Blessed with a giant trade surplus, Japan is becoming the biggest investor
Business Notes Computers
(Economy & Business)
Coleco Pulls the Plug
Corporate Fear and Trembling
(Economy & Business)
Worried oil companies wonder where Pickens will strike next
Damage Report
(Economy & Business)
Israel's stock crash revisited
Final Score
(Economy & Business)
Investors count their chips
Zen in the Executive Suite
(Economy & Business)
Stormy Weather in Academe
A scholar's controversial work sets off a hail of criticism
The No Man's Land of High Tech
New devices aid police but threaten the right of privacy
A Collision of Genes and Temper
A Little Revenge: Benjamin Franklin and His Son by Willard Sterne Randall; Little, Brown; 558 pages; $22.50
A Ghost Sonata in Sitcom Land Home Front
by James Duff
Balanchiniana Dancing for Balanchine
by Merrill Ashley Dutton; 236 pages; $29.95 BALANCHINE'S MOZARTIANA by Robert Maiorano and Valerie Brooks; Freundlich; 188 pages; $18.95
Cautionary Tale Without Cliches 1984
Directed and Written by Michael Radford
Freelance the Cheat
by Pat Jordan Villard Books; 259 pages; $13.95
Psychological Realist in a Bad Age
In Los Angeles, Max Beckmann's images retain their power
Romeos HIT THE ROAD Joffrey's is gutsy, but A.B.T.'s is better
Rushes Johnny Dangerously
Rushes Mrs. Soffel
Rushes Protocol
What Price Glory, Leontyne!
The prima donna assoluta sings her last operatic role
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
Where Is Our Dover Beach?