Vol. 125 No. 1
Negotiation By the Numbers
In deciding who is ahead, it depends on what you count
Once More to Geneva
The big question: Will Star Wars be put on the bargaining table?
Putting the Victim on Trial
A California shooting yields a tale of sex and intrigue
New York's subway "hero"
India a Landslide for Gandhi
The Prime Minister sweeps to an overwhelming victory
Israel "Strong Letter"
Shultz prescribes tighter belts
Italy Tunnel of Death
Terrorists bomb a holiday train
Lebanon Day At the Races
No peace at the Palace of Peace
Poland in the Dock
The Popieluszko trial begins
Southeast Asia Dry-Season Rite
Fresh fighting in Kampuchea
Soviet Union Staying in Line
After Ustinov, a safe choice
The Gulf Tit for Tat
The tanker war heats up
Shutting the Door on Dissent
The Vatican orders an end to debate over abortion
Most of '84
Twilight's Last Gleaming
Is the prime time of the Cubs ahead or behind?
User-Friendly Winners
Bare modernism is replaced by lively pluralism
A Year of Rolling Sevens
(Economy & Business)
Swift growth plus slow inflation equaled prosperity in 1984
"That Nut's a Genius"
Two books recall Pianist Glenn Gould, wit and eccentric
Most of '84
(Show Business)
A He-Man for All Seasons
Zapping the forces of evil on daytime TV
On Golden Farm the River
Directed by Mark Rydell Screenplay by Robert Dillon and Julian Barry
Over the Top Birdy
Directed by Alan Parker Screenplay by Sandy Kroopf and Jack Behr
"A Book of One's Own: People and Their Diaries" by Thomas Mallon Ticknor & Fields; 318 pages; $15.95
Say Amen, Everybody
On Broadway and uptown, blacks strut their brilliance
Street-Smart Cop, Box-Office Champ
(Show Business)
Eddie Murphy is rich, happy and "beyond brilliant"
The Best of 1984
The Wonderful Wizard of Quark
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" by Richard P. Feynman; Norton; 350 pages; $16.95
Best of 84
Best of '84
Best of '84
Best of '84
Best Sellers
Feeling Proud Again
(Man Of The Year)
Olympic Organizer Peter Ueberroth Puts on an Extraordinary Spectacle, Showing What America's Entrepreneurial Spirit Can Do
Man of the Year
(Man Of The Year)
Master of the Games
(Man Of The Year)
Peter Ueberroth Has Described Himself As Both Shy and Ruthless. His Associates Say He Is Demanding and Self-Demanding. Behind His Laid-Back Style Is the Toughness That Made Him So Right for an Olympia
Oh, What a Party It Was
(Man Of The Year)
They Also Made History
(Man Of The Year)
Two Won Elections, One Broke the Gender Barrier, One Continued to Spread Terror the Terrorist "We Have Only to Be Lucky Once"
They Also Made History
(Man Of The Year)
Two Won Elections, One Broke the Gender Barrier, One Continued to Spread Terror Geraldine Ferraro "Lemme Tell Ya"-- and Did She Ever
They Also Made History
(Man Of The Year)
Two Won Elections, One Broke the Gender Barrier, One Continued to Spread Terror Jose Napoleon Duarte Beaten and Banished, He Returned to Rule
They Also Made History
(Man Of The Year)
Two Won Elections, One Broke the Gender Barrier, One Continued to Spread Terror Ronald Reagan a Grand Hurrah for the Gipper
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)