Monday, Jul. 16, 1984
Nice Movies for Nice Children
But their nonviolent pleasures may be for adults only
Dear Mom and Dad,
Well, here I am at Camp Cinemuck. It's everything you promised me, and worse. I guess you figured that a place that calls itself "the summer home away from home for movie-mad children" would be perfect for a precocious kid who was never far from the popcorn stand or the VCR or the Late Show. So did I. But I was wrong. This place is like school, only with trees. The first thing, I come in and they hand me a bunch of old books about dead movie stars. "You got to brush up on your nostalgia," they say. "What nostalgia?" I say. "I'm twelve years old!"
The idea is, they want to bring back the old days and the innocence of old movies. You know, when a kid's biggest worry was acne, not herpes. They say our poor tender souls are getting hurt by all these violent PG movies with evil gremlins and voodoo heart transplants and dirty words and bare skin. And they love this new PG-13 rating that'll supposedly keep kids like me out of pictures like those. Heck, Mom, you know I don't take that stuff seriously. I just go to prescreen the movies and tell you if I think you'd find them disturbing. And if they won't let me in, I'll go around the corner and rent the movie on videocassette.
But these counselors, they just won't give up. This week they took us on a field trip to see a couple of "nonviolent" movies for kids. This one picture, Wolfgang Petersen's The Neverending Story, it's more like a movie for wimps. Here's this ten-year-old called Bastian, played by Barret Oliver, who's so weak he can't even screw the lid off a Welch's grape-jelly jar. Three bullies from school beat him up and make him jump in a trash bin. A total loser. Then he goes up into the school attic and starts reading this book, and it sort of pulls him into the Land of Fantasia. I mean, he's the one who controls the gate of the people in the book. And they are really weird people too. There's a flying dragon and a two-faced woman and figures like the chessmen you have in the den, Dad, and a handsome boy warrior and a wise little ballerina Empress of Fantasia. Noah Hathaway and Tami Stronach make a cute couple as these last two--sort of the preteen Arnold Schwarzenegger and Grace Kelly.
A lot of it's real pretty, the colors and creatures and all, but these days, you know, every movie is pretty pretty. I guess the only thing that kept me glued to my seat was the gum somebody'd stuck on the upholstery. Now get this: at the end, our little wimp learns how important it is to read books and to believe in the world of the imagination and good stuff like that.
Then he flies back into real life on the dragon's back and scares those three little bullies right into the old trash bin! So what's the moral? Get literate and get revenge? That's "nonviolent"?
You'll be happy to know, Mom, there's hardly any violence in Frank Oz's The Muppets Take Manhattan. Well, O.K., Miss Piggy gets mugged in Central Park. And Dabney Coleman, he plays a sleazy theatrical producer, he holds a chicken hostage and drags poor Gonzo around by the beak. But mostly it's like a lullaby to Broadway. See, Kermit and the gang hit the big town with dreams of putting their musical on the Great White Way. Other people show up, like Joan Rivers and John Landis. And Brooke Shields is there too--in a grungy luncheonette where the waiter, a rat named Rizzo, comes up to her and says, "Do you believe in interspecies dating?"
It's pretty neat, and it ends with the Broadway wedding of Kermit and Piggy. The whole gang is there, Ernie and Bert and Cookie Monster, all misty-eyed. And when the minister asks, "Do you, Froggy, take this pig to be your lawfully wedded wife until you die?" the older camp counselors burst into tears. No question, this is the wedding of a generation--yours.
You'll be happy to know these two movies made me feel real elevated and responsible and all. Well, I gotta go now. Me and a few friends are sneaking out to this neat Kung Fu triple bill. And don't worry, Mom and Dad. I'll survive.
Your loving son,
--By Richard Corliss