Monday, Mar. 26, 1984

Where the Candidates Stand on the Issues


Favors a bilateral freeze on nuclear weapons, a treaty banning the testing of new ones, an agreement on avoiding an arms race in space. Opposes build-down idea of removing two warheads for each new one deployed, because he feels it is at odds with the freeze. Advocates Senate ratification of SALT II. Wants to tighten controls on the export of nuclear materials. Urges treaties banning chemical and biological weapons if compliance can be verified.

Calls for annual summit meeting between U.S. and Soviet leaders. Would use U.S. military force if necessary to keep oil flowing through the Persian Gulf. Would not change America's special relationship with Israel. Wants to maintain current U.S. troop strength in Europe.

Would limit the increase in the defense budget to 4% to 5% a year. Would cancel the MX missile and B-1 bomber, replacing them with the mobile single-warhead ICBM and Stealth bomber. Would increase the readiness and mobility of conventional forces. Urges greater use of competitive contract bids by the Pentagon.

Claims he can cut the current $200 billion deficits in half by 1989, even allowing for $30 billion worth of new programs. Would reduce military spending by at least $30 billion a year by then, trim $15 billion in annual health care and hospital costs, and save $10 billion through tighter management of farm programs. He would raise some $60 billion a year in new revenues by delaying the indexing of federal income taxes to inflation; capping Reagan's third-year, 10% tax cut at $1,100 for anyone with an income above $60,000 a year; placing a 10% surtax on incomes over $100,000; requiring all corporations to pay a minimum income tax of 15%; and tightening Internal Revenue Service enforcement.

Would tightly link aid to El Salvador to proven progress in land reform, a better judicial system and an end to death squads. Would stop U.S. support of rebels fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, but favors the interdiction of weapons flowing from Nicaragua into El Salvador. Urges direct talks with the Sandinistas.

Would pressure other nations to lower import barriers. Backs a "domestic content" bill requiring the use of American-made products in all imported autos sold in the U.S. Wants to eliminate the capital gains tax for those making new long-term investments in small businesses and to give tax credits to employers who increase outlays for the education and training of workers. Urges more federal support for science and research.


Supports a modified bilateral freeze on nuclear weapons, allowing some modernization. Wants to reduce those weapons that are most destabilizing, mainly multiple-warhead, land-based ICBMs. Would rely more on submarines and bombers and would develop a single-warhead mobile ICBM. Supports a modified build-down concept. Would seek ratification of SALT II. Urges the tightening of nonproliferation controls.

Proposes a summit meeting early next year with the Soviet leaders. Would rely heavily on allies, and would limit U.S. involvement to naval forces in keeping Middle East oil moving, while promoting less U.S. dependence on foreign energy sources. Supports America's special relationship with Israel. Would reduce U.S. troops in Europe, asking NATO allies to fill the gap.

Would give the Pentagon 3% to 4% more in funds each year. Suggests savings of $150 billion over five years by killing the MX and B-1 bomber; by buying more small, conventionally powered aircraft carriers instead of two new nuclear ones; and by replacing the expensive F/A-18 with F-16s, A-6s and A-7 fighter-bombers. Would spend more on the readiness and manpower needs of conventional forces.

In addition to military savings, would limit Reagan's third-year tax cut to $750 for all individuals, close some $15 billion in tax loopholes and defer tax indexing. Wants to reduce Medicare costs by .encouraging nonhospital treatment, preventive care and use of health maintenance organizations. Emphasizes growth of the economy as a deficit-chopping tool.

Would cut off U.S. military aid to El Salvador until death-squad activity stops and those guilty of murders are prosecuted. Wants to end U.S. support of the contras in Nicaragua. Would remove American troops from Honduras.

Advocates a complex reindustrialization program. Would provide tax relief to declining industries if management and labor agree to limit wages and prices; the tax break would provide reinvestment funds for those industries. Sees pension funds as a source of job-creating investment money for small new computer and other high-tech companies. Opposes legislation requiring U.S. products in imported cars. Urges an increase in Government outlays for research and development. Proposes joint employer-employee contributions to a fund for retraining workers in obsolete industries.