Monday, Dec. 10, 1979

Iran's Revenge

To the Editors:

The Iranian students, with the approval of Ayatullah Khomeini [Nov. 19], seem to be proving that Islam is--at least in the Iranian version--a religion that emphasizes revenge rather than forgiveness. They evidently consider revenge on one very ill man the ideal to put first in the life of their country.

Elizabeth Cubley Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.

The evidence is now available for all the world to see. The people of Iran have deposed a very bad regime and installed a much worse one.

Arthur J. Bellinzoni Jr. Aurora, N, Y.

Let us surrender the Shah to the Iranian courts in exchange for deliverance of the Ayatullah Khomeini to our courts, to be tried for kidnaping.

Thomas J. Carraher Norfolk, Neb.

When the pot boiled in Iran last winter, the scum floated to the top.

Joel Prinsell Syracuse

If our anger toward Khomeini should cause us to try to take some kind of revenge, there is an easy way to do it. All that would be necessary is to declare our recognition of an independent Kurdestan and our readiness to supply it with all the arms it needed.

Jack J. McCubbin Independence, Mo.

Although the Ayatullah Khomeini has publicly endorsed the blackmail tactics of the students and openly called for the Shah's execution, I believe that underneath this crowd-pleasing facade he no more wants the Shah dead than I do. Khomeini knows that as long as the Shah is alive and as long as he can continue to portray the U.S. as the "great Satan power," he has a cause around which he can rally his revolutionaries. Were the Shah dead, Khomeini would soon be forced to face the real problems of the country. No Khomeini doesn't want the Shah executed; he needs him alive.

Robert A. Eckenrod Johnstown, Pa.

The Shah himself is a political cancer that has spread to the U.S. He should be removed from this country as soon as possible, for the sake of this nation's health and that of the hostages.

Marco T. Sanchez San Francisco

Why couldn't the Shah be treated in Mexico City? Joseph W. Mosser Rehoboth Beach, Del.

Jimmy Carter should get his omnipotent and benevolent God to talk some sense into the Ayatullah Khomeini's omnipotent and benevolent Allah.

Robert Newcomb Muncie, Ind.

Why didn't the Iranians invade the Mexican embassy when the Shah was in Mexico? I wonder why they waited till now before taking action? Could it be that it's still faddish to trash U.S. embassies and terrorize the inhabitants?

Michael W. Bell Hillsboro, Ore.

The Iranians say they have no quarrel with the American people, only with the U.S. Government. Has anyone told them that our Government--good or bad, weak or strong--is our people?

Elizabeth Henning, M.D. Rockford, III. Mr. America Contest

"The prize to be won ... the presidency of the U.S.," as written in your article "May the Best Man Win" [Nov. 12], very aptly describes the mad clamoring to "get into the running" going on in our nation today. It presents an aura of a Mr. America popularity contest rather than a serious search for the most qualified candidates for our highest office. Doris N. Gage Western Springs, III.

We must have gone mad to countenance the evolution of such an absurd system to elect a President. That important men like Kennedy and Baker and Brown are already devoting most of their not inconsiderable abilities to elect themselves to a presidency that begins in January 1981 is incredible. That the President, with his incalculable responsibility, must concentrate for over one-quarter of his tenure on his re-election is perilous for the nation. That millions will be spent on the campaign rather than to alleviate the suffering in Cambodia is obscene. Yet this insane system does not guarantee the best choices, or the best President. James P. Ransom Honolulu

Having read your article, I am convinced that the caption above the photo of shoeless Jane Byrne endorsing Kennedy should read "Mayor with tired feet makes hasty decision."

Katie Maloney St. Louis I enjoyed the shoeless Jane Byrne. The picture reminded me of Adlai Stevenson with the hole in his sole. She not wanting to wear hers out, he not wanting to waste money having his repaired--my, aren't our politicians frugal?

Bob Corley Troy, Ohio

It is so gratifying to know which side Chicago Mayor Jane ("Benedict Arnold") Byrne is on in this Democratic race for President.

Norman L. Wiken Meckling, S. Dak. Private Lives

Private lives should be private--for the private citizen [Nov. 12]. But we have a right to know the moral character as well as the political leanings of candidates. They are obviously not as apple pie as they seem to be, but they are human. Let us know the facts and decide for ourselves whether or not the sin is significant. Dianne L. Elliott St. Louis

Kennedy's "womanizing" does have relevance in that it reflects, to some extent, his perception of women.

Catherine W. Staneck Gettysburg, Pa. His Own Worst Enemy

Your cover picture of the Cambodian woman and child [Nov. 12] appropriately reaffirms that man is his own worst enemy. I am thankful that man has two natures, and I hope the compassionate one will win and help relieve the "wholly innocents." Dorothy Hayden Wollaston, Mass.

Will the world be ready and able to bear the burden of allowing the Cambodians to perish? In this day and age, when there is so much talk about planning for a future, don't you think that we should plan for the Cambodians' future too? Kathryn G. Banks Baltimore

The starving Cambodians are pawns of political tactics being played out by a mock government. How long must we all endure watching this horror before the Cambodian leaders realize their "subjects" may soon be nonexistent? Steven P. Patton Springfield, Pa.

The Southeast Asian politicians had better listen to the experts who claim that brain damage in the young could result from not eating well and enough. Otherwise, there will be stunted students and stupid soldiers by the year 2000. Mario Ramos Pasay-an De Kalb, III.

Kubler-Ross and Death

Thanatology had been one of the most misunderstood and neglected areas of study until Elisabeth Kubler-Ross [Nov. 12] began her work. Her publications have been a boon to clergy and laity alike when confronted with the one inescapable fact of life--death. The strength, courage and understanding given to untold others cannot be erased. In this case, today's news does not negate yesterday's triumph.

Marion Sheldon Rhinelander, Wis.

I object to your casting those who attended programs conducted at the center, Shanti-Nilaya, as people who "needed to believe." Some of us brought to the workshop great personal convictions about our Christian faith and about the needs of the dying. Have the courtesy to inform your readers that many of us experienced something quite different from sex and seance.

(The Rev.) Robert Wagener New Orleans

The real tragedy of Kubler-Ross is that while she has taught others to accept death, apparently she can no longer accept it herself.

Walter Lonner Van Nuys, Calif. Missing Recession

Economist Charles L. Schultze unwittingly hit the nail on the head [Nov. 19] when he referred to the "missing recession. It's out there somewhere, but nobody can find it." Our economic "advisers," who need to justify their self-fulfilling prophecies, will surely keep on trying until they do. Barbara J. Robbins Old Greenwich, Conn.

A Tribute to Willie

Re your article "Willie's Farewell" [Nov. 12]: this great athlete symbolizes baseball for me and millions of Americans. I saw him chase down a fly to deep center and steal second and third in a game when he was 40 years old. No one could play like Willie Mays. So who's going to begrudge him a few bucks for having his picture taken with some gamblers?

Dave Larson San Diego

Class A Driving Schools

I read with interest of Zachary Zzzzzzzzzra's efforts to be the last listing in the San Francisco telephone directory [Oct. 29] I send along the first five listings from the recent Melbourne, Australia, telephone directory to illustrate the lengths some driving schools will go to for that coveted No. 1 listing.

A A A A Aaabaaabaaaalana Motor School

A.A.A.A. Aaabaaabaaabee Driving School

AAAA AAABAAA First Driving School


Angus J. Mclntyre Vancouver, B.C.

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