Monday, Sep. 03, 1979
Sparkling Youth
To the Editors:
Diane Lane and the other "fresh faces" [Aug. 13] have lit up the screen with the badly needed sparkle of America's youth.
Robert Klinestiver
I am shocked, angered and disgusted, as surely the other real people of this country must be. Movies like Pretty Baby perpetuate the myth that a woman is only as good as her performance in the bedroom, and "the younger the better." Sick.
Bernadette Terpening
Souderton, Pa.
After a reign of 75 weeks, Cheryl Tiegs has just been succeeded by Diane Lane as the prettiest face to appear on TIME.
Randal C. Franklin
Port Washington, N. Y.
It is truly a delight to see a pretty face on your cover, not another one of our nation's problems.
Alan Hattey
St. Clair Shores, Mich.
Sweatshop Talk
After reading Frank Trippett's anti-air conditioning Essay [Aug. 13], I suggest that he be employed as a correspondent permanently assigned to the equator.
Al Luther
Pawtucket, R.I.
If it's all right to heat a house in winter, why the outrage at those who cool it in summer? Would you be as scornful of central heating--or any heating--if it had appeared only "a generation ago"?
Robert Burnham
Frank Trippett's analogies to France, Germany and Japan are poor choices. Most of the U.S. lies south of much of Europe in a climate not always amenable to human endeavors. The choice is not cool comfort vs. "sweatshops"; it is gross national production vs. noonday siesta.
Gail Winkler
Madison, Wis.
Of New Wineskins
It seems a shame that Episcopal church leaders remain blind to the fact that this abomination, the new prayer book [Aug. 13], is a much more explosive issue than the ordination of women. Personally I wouldn't argue with an optional "Hi there, God" liturgy as long as I didn't have to listen to it.
Shannon Fitzgerald
Durham, N.C.
The leadership of the church, after years of hard work, introduces a new prayer book. Resistance among the laity is vociferous and in some cases violent. Is this the Episcopal Church with its modern-language prayer book in 1979? No. This first happened when Cranmer introduced his then modern-language prayer book in 1549. All the reasons given against the 1979 book--"it's poor English, it's not traditional, it's poor theology"--were first used in opposition to Cranmer's book. Plus c,a change, plus c'est la meme chose.
(The Rev.) Robert Outman III
Rockland, Mass.
Marcuse Remembered
Herbert Marcuse's obituary [Aug. 13] is only as accurate as TIME can be when it addresses itself to the question of worldwide revolution. "The Revolution Never Came," says TIME, more to sum up its wishful thinking than Marcuse's thought. And when is "never," in any case? Is the future over?
Carlos Guevara
Dorchester, Mass.
As a former student of Herbert Marcuse at the University of California at San Diego, I remember his walking into class one day in 1969, wearing a button given to him by the conservative Young Americans for Freedom. The button read: TO HELL WITH COMMUNISM! Marcuse remarked to the class, "The reason I'm wearing this button is because I agree with it. I'd rather go to hell with Communism than to live here without it."
(The Rev.) Chuck Rose
San Bernardino, Calif.
Indians and Energy
There are several errors in the story on American Indian energy development [Aug. 20]. The photograph accompanying the piece was not of Peter MacDonald, Council of Energy Resource Tribes chairman, and CERT's chief economist, Ahmed Kooros, but MacDonald and CERT's executive director, Edward Gabriel. Our name is the Council of Energy Resource Tribes, not Resources.
The Navajos do not get 25-c- per ton of coal from Utah International, but only 15-c-. Finally, when MacDonald talked about "shutting things down" at a Navajo energy project he was not referring to the Utah International operation, but to an oil pipeline that runs through the reservation.
Edward Gabriel, Executive Director
Council of Energy Resource Tribes
Washington, D.C.
More Arms to Limit Arms
So it looks as if SALT II will be endorsed [Aug. 13], as long as the Administration agrees to spend more money on defense. There will be arms limitation, but only if we can have more arms. This is absurd.
Robert L. Petrillo
Portland, Me.
Pledging for Chrysler
When Washington helps Chrysler Corp. [Aug. 20], every officer of the corporation, every employee, every shareholder should sign this pledge: Never again will I denounce the Federal Government for regulating the private business of Chrysler.
J. Stanley Cook
Bradenton, Fla.
Science or Technology?
I take issue with your Science heading for the story on the new cruise missiles [July 30]. What is going on there is not science but technology and engineering. Science deals with the acquiring of new knowledge. The use, including misuse or ill use, of that knowledge is the realm of politicians, engineers and technologists. Uncritical association of the word science does not help the public to recognize the profound issue involved here.
Roger Guillemin
La Jolla, Calif.
Guillemin is a 1977 winner of the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his work on brain hormones.
Mom and Cheesecake
As a native Californian, I wasn't surprised by your article on male strippers [Aug. 13]. What astounds me is the location of the clubs. Never again when I hear about Wisconsin, Kansas or Iowa will I think of Mom, the flag and apple pie. From now on it will be naked men, towels and cheesecake.
Carolyn Swortfiguer
Bakersfield, Calif.
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