Monday, Aug. 01, 1977
Young Criminals
To the Editors:
Your picture of juvenile delinquency in today's society [July 11] is shocking and depressing. But as one of the thousands of people who work in the juvenile corrections system, I find it distressing to see an article like this making our work seem so futile. We do care and we do take over where parents and the community fail in their dealings with youthful offenders. And the day we give up on them is the day when juvenile crime will skyrocket.
Tom McAuliffe
Juvenile Aftercare/ Forestry Camp Boston
True, true, true. Your article on youth crime rang with truth. I myself was a victim of an assault by a 14-year-old. Surprisingly, he was set free, because it was a "first offense."
Grace Lemuel Winchester, Va.
We don't need tougher judges but tougher parents, teachers and clergy.
E. Jerome Scott New York City
It is ridiculous to talk about rehabilitation of children who have never been habilitated! Unless and until we demand that government at all levels provide adequate funds for programs that will meet the needs of troubled children and isolate those kids who are a danger to their community, the juvenile justice system will continue to be the failure you so vividly depicted--or worse.
Alexander T. Strange II
Probate and Juvenile Judge
Harrison, Mich.
I was ashamed in reading your article titled "The Youth Crime Plague." I, being 15 years old, feel these people make all of us at this age seem criminals. Believe me, I don't find my fun by terrorizing old people.
Leslie Wicker New Port Richey, Fla.
Your story on youth crime is destructive and counterproductive. No one doubts that young people commit crime, though there is more violence inflicted on children by adults than on adults by youths. While that is not a justification of youthful violence, it is an aspect not to be ignored.
I work with hundreds of teen-age kids, all of whom have been in trouble. They come to us burdened with negative labels from schools, courts and jails. The system has written them off, and we find most are starving for acceptance and direction.
They are salvageable and represent an untapped resource.
David Rothenberg, Executive Director
The Fortune Society
New York City
I was disappointed that you only peripherally acknowledged the root of youth crime: procreation by those who are unqualified for parenthood.
Gordon Cornell Lake Oswego, Ore.
The solution of the youth crime problem does not depend only on an improved judiciary system and better legislation. To wipe out crime a whole set of economic, social, cultural, educational and legal problems have to be solved. Higher living standards unaccompanied by provision for better education will have little effect.
We consider punishment to be an auxiliary means of combatting crime. It must be combined with education and public influence. We think that crime can be eradicated through progressive improvement of social relations.
Igor Karpets, Chief of the U.S.S.R.
Criminal Investigation Department
After a generation of hard work and identification, youth agencies, such as ours, the schools and law enforcement groups should be credited for significant gains in the field of juvenile delinquency prevention. Los Angeles County juvenile homicide arrests are down 30%, and our local community is experiencing a dramatic reduction in juvenile violence at all levels.
Sugar Ray Robinson, Chairman
Sugar Ray's Youth Foundation
Los Angeles
As a law student, I sat in on almost a year of "kiddie court" cases. What I saw were mostly middle-class white children who were polished criminals in all aspects of crime, from rape at 13 to the brutal strangling of a 94-year-old by a 16-year-old punk. Why are they there? Because we have patted them on their little haloed heads and dismissed their crimes as merely "phases."
Somebody has to kick these mini-monsters in their Miranda rights and threaten them: If you want to play tough, you're going to pay tough!
Lorena M. Snyder Concord, Calif.
While it is necessary to investigate the contributing factors to the distorted behavior of violent juvenile criminals, it is imperative that they be prevented from continuing to prey upon innocent victims.
They should be securely locked away for life if necessary.
Deirdre Fowler Milwaukee
How Did They Treat You, John?
Coming from another culture, I always found first-name-dropping [July 11] at the first encounter somewhat shocking.
Many years ago, a physician asked a patient, "How did they treat you, John, in the other hospital?" The patient, who happened to be a very dignified gentleman, retorted promptly: "They treated me as Mr. Jones and with a full course of antibiotics."
Hector Bensimon, M.D. St. Joseph, Mich.
Regarding the growing uncertainty about the proper use of last names, my parents were able to find a way to solve the problem:
Michael L. Michael New York City
In the '30s, when I was in the tenth grade, a teacher addressed his female students as "Miss" and his male students by their last names. I will never forget--at 15--how grown up I felt, and I think I was inspired to respond to his instruction in a more grown-up way.
In the '70s, I am first-named on first meeting more often than not. I find this style of greeting offensive. Call me stuffy, but call me Mrs.--until we know each other better.
Mary B. Licari Oxon Hill, Md.
Banning the B-1 Bomber
I sincerely hope that President Carter has made the right decision in scrapping the B-1 bomber [July 11], for if he is wrong, none of us will be around to say, we told you so.
Robert E. Harris Jr. Rutland, Mass.
I would like to warn the Soviet Union that we are more powerful than ever.
Any nation that is controlled by a man who has enough courage, leadership, wisdom and common sense to stop production of the B-1 bomber must have the support of every taxpayer.
Diane Stack Pulaski, N. Y.
Dour Sybarite?
Playboy's announced decision to give up those readers primarily interested in porn [July 4] is hardly the same as not staying in touch with society's "shifting sexual standards." In response to the more personal part of TIME'S patronizing putdown ("surrounded by young beauties, he looks a dour sybarite"), I can only say that Contributor Thomas Griffith obviously has his own very personal definition of "square." Oh to be as hip as you swinging newsmagazine men in New York!
Hugh M. Hefner Los Angeles
The Hell of Punk Rock
Throughout my life I've listened to theologians attempt to picture the horrors of hell. The article "Anthems of the Blank Generation" [July 11], with those hideous pictures and the report of the nauseating behavior of the psychopathic participants, would answer the age-old question: What is hell really like?
Orville G. Merkel Port Angeles, Wash.
If you want to feature stories like punk rock, I suggest you create a new section called Perversions. There is no way these kids could be considered simply rebellious. Anyone who would wear raw meat on the front of a costume is trying to do more than merely rebel.
Wanda Fultz Indianapolis
Punk rock is nothing new. Punkism was a disease I suffered from myself. It's a pose that should not be taken seriously, nothing more than addlebrained adolescents playing naughty dress-up, bored children looking for attention.
Julie Johnson Indianapolis
Bailing Out
When a corporation is financially on the rocks, unable to pay or renew its loans, and the U.S. Government lends that firm its credit--guarantees its loans--the firm has been bailed out as completely and as precisely as though the Government had given it the cash. Mr. Willis Hawkins, president of Lockheed-California, who recently held otherwise in your Letters column [June 27], should know this.
John Kenneth Galbraith Cambridge, Mass.
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