Monday, Sep. 14, 1959
Right to Sin?
Letter Writer Farley W. Snell [Aug. 24] asks, "Will you, Mr. Kennedy, be able to protect my right to sin?"
There is no such moral concept as a "right to sin," which is an abuse of free will. A right is a privilege warranted by moral approval, moral propriety. I would think that no one of the several presidential prospects, politically or ethically, would defend Mr. Snell's right to sin, even though he, with complete free will, may sin around the clock.
J. L. BEVINGTON Nashville, Tenn.
Does anybody have a "right to sin?" Are not most of our "sins" violations of the rights of others, which are punishable by state, federal and natural laws, the rules of society, and our own conscience?
How can Mr. Kennedy (or my candidate, Mr. Rockefeller) promise Mr. Snell immunity from the legal, social, physical and psychical consequences of his "sins"?
The question overlooks the fact that our laws, police, penitentiaries, etc., do not recognize anyone's right to sin.
S. D. ABRAMOFF Rotterdam, The Netherlands
It seems Mr. Snell has forgotten or never heard of a man named Adam who years ago assured us this inalienable right.
ELIZABETH GRIMM New Martinsville, W. Va.
The Face of Hoffa
TIME'S Aug. 31 cover presents a sinister Jimmy Hoffa peering out from a rain-drenched, stormy background. I am glad to see that TIME, along with the majority of the American public, is finally seeing the teamster boss in his true light.
James Hoffa may be a sinister, grotesque monster in his heart, but he does not look like one. Your portrayal of him as such on your cover is slanted journalism and is unbecoming to TIME.
Is it absolutely necessary to spell out the middle name--Riddle--in the news accounts and comments on one James R. Hoffa?
HENRY A. RIDDLE-Lewistown, Pa.
Touch, Kick, Thump
Len Lye has not invented something "brand new" in sculpture by designing the vibrating "Tangibles" [Aug. 24]. This may be brand new to Eastern gallery goers, but sculpture with sound is quite familiar to West Coast art viewers.
My husband, college teacher and metal sculptor, sometime ago started making sculpture with the fifth dimension, that is, sound caused by vibration [see cut]. Contrary to Lye's attempt at vibration, my husband's "sound sculptures" are meant to be touched, kicked and thumped by the spectator in order to make them vibrate to produce a multitude of sounds.
MRS. DONALD W. HERBERHOLZ Sacramento, Calif.
Incidents Abroad
After reading your Aug. 24 account of the Turkish brutalities inflicted upon U.S. Army Sergeants Dale McCuistion and James D. King at Izmir, Turkey, I feel that we should make the Turkish government feel grateful for saving them from Communist occupation and domination through our military installations in Turkey. We should act with the knowledge that Turkey is intrinsically a bad bargain for us as our ally, despite the $2 billion we have already given to them.
G. JOHN GREGORY Watertown, Mass.
Some State Department officers seem to care not a damn for our servicemen involuntarily abroad, whose constitutional rights their department signed away in status-of-forces agreements with foreign governments. Donald B. Eddy, U.S. consul in
Izmir, took an inglorious stand against U.S. Air Force Sergeants McCuistion and King, lest the brutal and ill workings of status-of-forces agreements be exposed.
Bergenfield, N.J.
If the Turks are bold enough to practice their brutality on American G.I.s, envision if you can the crucifixion the Armenians endured. And to those in charge who turn their backs for the sake of a financed alliance, I say shame, and damn such diplomacy.
Palo Alto, Calif.
Douglas & Capri
My attention has been called to an article that appeared in TIME on Aug. 3 in which you state that Norman Douglas was asked to leave Capri by the police. You casually defame the memory of a great man, who not only was never asked to leave the island but was appointed an honorary citizen. He was buried on Capri with full civic honors.
Literary Executor to Norman Douglas Rome
Dragging in a mention of Norman Douglas adds nothing of value to a story on tourism in Capri. Norman Douglas was revered, honored and loved by the people of Capri: he was one of only two free citizens of that island. (Benedetto Croce was the other.) He was liberal, progressive, scholarly and impeccably well-mannered in his writings and his regard for people and their right to enjoy the "pursuit of happiness."
The Visit
I want to thank TIME for giving its attention to the speech of Connecticut Senator Thomas Dodd, protesting the unwelcome and unwise visit of Khrushchev to the U.S. [Aug. 24]. One speech by Senator Dodd is worth a dozen by the muddleheaded liberals who think we can compromise with evil and still keep our honor and our freedom.
ADAM EHLERT Cranston, R.I.
As may have been expected, our undistinguished Senator Dodd has uttered another of his profound political oratories. The Geneva talks have failed; there appears to be no summit conference in sight; and this politician wants to prevent the one remaining possibility that may in some way alleviate the heat of the cold war. It is unfortunate that this mediocre man does not realize that he may be instigating violence during the Khrushchev visit.
My sincere congratulations to Senator Thomas Dodd. It is gratifying to realize that there is one strong voice remaining with courage and foresight behind it.
JOHN C. PELECH Hamilton, Ont.
Sir: If Communism could be slain by the jaw bone of an ass, in the junior Senator from Connecticut America would have a weapon more insidiously lethal than any atomic blast.
Middletown, Conn.
A Khrushchev visit now will show him that we are sound economically and also that our Defense Department has not been idle in military preparedness.
Sioux City, Iowa
Big Man from Little Rock
Little Rock's Police Chief Eugene Smith [Aug. 24] deserves a better description than "tough cop," and my hat is off to him and the Little Rock city fathers and citizenry who gave him support in fighting the powerful pressures of a rabid tyrant.
It takes real guts and convictions to deal with ignorant home-town bullies; but if we can do this, we are better able to tackle the world's Faubuses.
L. MITCHELL Everett, Wash.
Your description of the courageous police chief of Little Rock, one Gene Smith, who was instrumental in preventing the public expression of resentment against the institution of integration in schools there, was very impressive. He sounds much like the collaborators in World War II, France and Norway, who were helping the Germans to round up their own countrymen.
T. LEON Detroit
WAPE & the Flock
Grateful though we are for the colorful account of WAPE, Jacksonville, in the Aug. 24 issue, there are certain statements made that simply do not equate the facts.
We do not assault listeners with a "monotonous beat of rock 'n' roll": WAPE is a request station, and on a typical broadcast day fully 90% of our musical selections are picked by listeners; less than 50% of the selections could properly be classed as rock 'n' roll. Our news department is particularly chagrined at the short shrift of "trickle of news every two hours . . ." Please let it be known that at WAPE there is service as well as showmanship, duty as well as diversion.
W. J. (BILL) BRENNAN President WAPE Jacksonville, Fla.
WAPE radio is the best thing that ever happened to Jacksonville in the way of music and we couldn't be happier or more satisfied. We all love the "ape" and think he's the most. It's really a cool place; no stuffed shirts there telling you to go away, no sir; they invite you to come right in and look over the place. I think that's real swell. ANGELA ADAMS
Jacksonville, Fla.
Your account of WAPE broadcasting station was 100% correct. Their programing, although it may be only made up of requests, somehow seems to repeat itself every two or three hours almost record for record. While I love rock 'n' roll, it can be run into the ground, and in that respect WAPE is the chief pile driver.
I am not an old fogy; I am 16 years old.
Jacksonville, Fla.
*No kin. -Son of Norman Douglas.
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