Monday, Jul. 05, 1948
Congress and the President
Prepared by The Editors of TIME in collaboration with Alvin C. Eurich and Elmo C. Wilson
Co-Authors of the Cooperative Contemporary Affairs Test for the American Council on Education
(Copyright 1948 by TIME Inc.)
This test is to help TIME readers and their friends check their knowledge of current affairs. In recording answers, make no marks at all opposite questions. Use one of the answer sheets printed with the test: sheets for four persons are provided. After taking the test, check your replies against the correct answers printed on the last page of the test, entering the number of right answers as your score on the answer sheet.
The test is given under the honor system--no peeking.
For each of the test questions, five possible answers are given. You are to select the best answer and put its number on the answer sheet next to the number of that question. Example:
0. The President of the United States is:
1. Dewey. 3. Truman. 5. Wallace.
2. Hoover. 4. Vandenberg.
Truman, of course, is the correct answer. Since this question is numbered 0, the number 3--standing for Truman--has been placed at the right of 0 on the answer sheet.
1. Overshadowing all other issues as Congress met after the Christmas holidays was the European Recovery Program, whose most effective champion was Senator:
1. Chavez of New Mexico
2. Taylor of Idaho
3. Vandenberg of Michigan.
4. Wherry of Nebraska.
5. Taft of Ohio.
2. ERP will provide 16 European nations, during the Program's first year of operation, with aid amounting to: 1. $5.3 billion.
2. $17.0 billion.
3. $12.5 billion.
3. Chosen to administer ERP through the Economic Cooperation Administration, was: 1. Elder Statesman Bernard Baruch. 2. Defense Secretary James Forrestal. 3. General Electric President Charles Wilson. 4. Herbert Hoover. 5. Studebaker President Paul Hoffman.
4.. Earlier the President demoted from his chairmanship of the Federal Reserve Board a Roosevelt appointee:
1. Joseph P. Kennedy.
2. Marriner S. Eccles.
3. Rexford G. Tugwell.
4. Alexander W. Weddell.
5. George E. Allen.
5. As war fears mounted following the Red seizure of Czechoslovakia, President Truman went before a joint session of Congress, asked for:
1. Passage of a defense budget of $10 billion.
2. A resolution putting the U.S. squarely on the side of revising and strengthening the U.N. Charter.
3. Authority to meet and negotiate a world peace settlement with Stalin.
4. Universal military training and a new draft.
5. A gigantic naval defense program.
6. The President was criticized by certain sections of the press for his decision to change the White House by: 1. Adding a "rumpus room" in the basement.
2. Installing air conditioning.
3. Painting the roof slate grey.
4. Adding more office space to the Executive Wing.
5. Adding a balcony to the south portico.
7. After heated debate, in which big city Congressmen fought their colleagues from the farm areas, the House repealed the 46-year-old tax on: 1. Soy bean mash. 2. Oleomargarine. 3. Sugar beets. 4. Wheat germ oil. 5. Hogs over 900 lbs.
8. In opposition to the House Foreign Affairs Committee's plans to eliminate the veto from the U.N., Secretary Marshall made all but one of the following points: 1. The revision would mean the disintegration of U.N.
2. It would leave the world divided into three or four armed camps.
3. Many nations hitherto friendly to the U.S. would jump for a neutral corner between U.S. and Russia. 4. The Russian veto would still exist in the guise of Russian armed force.
5. U.S. would almost certainly lose Britain as an ally.
9. The bipartisan blueprint for U.S. security, submitted by Senator Vandenberg to the Foreign Relations Committee, stipulated all but one of the following: 1. The U.S. should base its policy on the U.N. as now constituted.
2. That we should work for gradual revision of the veto.
3. That we should organize collective security within the U.N. framework.
4. That a 70-group air force is indispensable to hemispheric defense.
5. That we should develop regional arrangements for collective self-defense.
The Presidential Campaign
10. Politicians began to take Henry Wallace's third party seriously after: 1. Auto union chief Walter Reuther announced his support.
2. Wallace men won two convention delegates in the Wisconsin primaries.
3. Polls showed him winning a majority of the farm vote.
4. John L. Lewis said he "might" support the third party.
5. A Wallace candidate decisively won a Bronx Congressional election.
11. The Wisconsin primary removed one of the following from serious consideration as a Presidential nominee:
1. Thomas E. Dewey
2. General Mac Arthur.
3. Arthur Vandenberg.
4. General Eisenhower.
5. Robert Taft.
12. After the Oregon primary the man to beat for the Republican Presidential nomination was: 1. Dewey.
2. Stassen.
3. Taft.
13. The man who upset the G.O.P. Old Guardsmen's applecart in the Pennsylvania primaries was: 1. Governor Jim Duff.
2. U.S. Senator Ed Martin.
3. Congressman Clarence Brown.
4. Coalman John L. Lewis.
5. Oilman Joe Pew.
14. A month before the Republican convention the biggest news of the political campaign was:
1. That Eisenhower would be the Democratic candidate.
2. That Vandenberg was available for the nomination.
3. That Taft would release his pledged delegates to Dewey.
4. That Stassen was available for the Vice Presidency.
5. That Truman would not campaign.
Business & Finance
15. Major Hollywood studios sustained a major headache when the U.S. Supreme Court decided that: 1. Producing companies must sell their theater holdings.
2. Block booking is illegal.
3. Admission charges may not exceed $1.25.
4. Double features are in restraint of trade.
5. Doubling the admission tax was constitutional.
16. The biggest cash deal in Hollywood history was closed when Howard Hughes bought control of:
1. Radio-Keith-Orpheum.
2. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
3. Selznick Releasing Organization.
4. United Artists.
5. Universal Pictures.
17. Eversharp closed its fiscal year with a $3,416,985.23 deficit because:
1. Production was halved by a six-month strike.
2. It spent too much time and money on a ball-point pen.
3. The company concentrated on mechanical pencils.
4. It decided to manufacture electric razors.
5. The lead shortage.
18. One of these reasons is not responsible for record U.S. oil consumption of 6,000,000 barrels a day: 1. Farmers were using nearly twice as many tractors as in 1941.
2. Oil burners in homes had increased by more than three-quarters of a million.
3. Railroads were buying more diesel locomotives than any other type.
4. Motorists owned more cars, were driving more miles.
5. Oil exports were at a higher ratio to domestic consumption than ever before.
19. In a test case brought by the Justice Department against C.I.O.'s Philip Murray, a Federal District Judge ruled unconstitutional the Taft-Hartley Act provision:
1. Outlawing the closed shop.
2. Banning labor-management pension programs.
3. Prohibiting foremen's unions.
4. Outlawing secondary boycotts and sympathy strikes.
5. Forbidding the use of union funds for political purposes.
20. The end of the coal miners' 29-day strike was brought about by the intervention of: 1. President Truman.
2. Federal Judge T. Alan Goldsborough.
3. Interior Secretary Julius Krug.
4. Speaker of the House Joe Martin.
5. Attorney General Tom Clark.
21. In Detroit an unidentified gunman fired a shotgun through the kitchen window and seriously wounded: 1. Philip Murray. 2. Henry Ford II. #. Walter Reuther. 4. John L. Lewis. 5. George Addes.
22. Labor's most painful defeat on the postwar strike front occurred when: 1. The Supreme Court ruled ten contested provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act constitutional.
2. Philip Murray was forced to call off the steel strike.
3. John L. Lewis was found in contempt of court.
4. A majority of the CIO Packinghouse workers voted to surrender to the companies' terms.
5. A majority of the CIO Longshoremen's union voted to continue their old contract in force.
23. General Motors averted a strike when the United Auto Workers accepted an offer of a: 1. Guaranteed annual minimum wage.
2. Cost-of-living "escalator" contract.
3. Plan to share in the profits.
4. Flat 13-c--an-hour increase.
5. Three-week vacation with pay.
24. The main reason why the three railroad brotherhood heads refused to call off the rail strike until forced was: 1. They were trying to make a show with their members.
2. They wanted railroad workers exempted from the provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act.
3. They were resentful because railway wages had not kept pace with other industrial wages.
4. They wanted the Government to take over the railroads and grant the union demands.
5. They were afraid that the 17 non-operating brotherhoods would get their raises first.
Here and There
25. Eniwetok atoll in the Pacific was the scene of:
1. Unusual amphibious landing exercises by U.S. Marines.
2. A rain of blue mud.
3. The sixth man-controlled atomic explosion in world history.
4. The removal of a shipload of World War II battle casualties.
5. Establishment of the first U.S. Pacific weather station.
26. As an expression of thanks "for holding off the enemies of freedom," the U.S. sent back to the British the original manuscript of:
1. Oliver Twist.
2. A Midsummer Night's Dream.
3. Alice in Wonderland.
4. Ode On A Grecian Urn.
5. Canterbury Tales.
27. Of the 420,000 federal employees examined by government investigators, evidence of disloyalty to the government was found in:
1. 8 cases. 2. 54. 3. 78. 4. Approximately 5,000. 5. None.
28. In the hope of overcoming a $52 million transit operating deficit, New York City's Mayor O'Dwyer:
1. Doubled the subway fare.
2. Authorized a 30% increase in all transportation fares.
3. Disbanded the trolley lines.
4. Ordered the elevated lines replaced by buses.
5. Directed a wholesale firing of transport workers.
29. The furor that accompanied a scheduled preview of the movie, The Iron Curtain, at Manhattan's Roxy Theater was occasioned by:
1. The presence of more Hollywood stars than ever before.
2. A five-alarm fire in the balcony.
5. Direct action by the Legion of Decency.
4. A clash between picketing Wallacites and Catholic War Veterans. 5. Too many standees.
30. Hat check girl Dorothy Lawlor made headlines recently when she: 1. Jumped off Brooklyn Bridge.
2. Inherited a million dollars.
3. Advertised for a husband who would give her $10,000.
4. Invented waterproof pancakemake-up.
5. Opened a swank school in Boston.
31. A Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. report showed that U.S. divorces in 1947 were down from 1946's alltime peak as much as:
1. 1%. 2. 5%. 3. 25%. 4. 50%. 5. 100%.
32. First jockey in history to win the Kentucky Derby four times:
1. Johnny Longden. 2. Earl Sande. 3. Ted Atkinson 4. Laverne Fator. 5. Eddie Arcaro.
33. Winter Olympics winner at St. Moritz, with 82 points, was: 1. The U.S. 2. Sweden. 3. Norway. 4. Switzerland. 5. Russia.
34. The game that outshines any other U.S. sport in paid admissions is: 1. Baseball. 2. Football. 3. Basketball. 4. Billiards. 5. Bowling.
The Diplomatic Front
35. In May, the Russian press and radio told the world that the U.S. had: 1. Proposed a conference to "compose differences."
2. Made Russia withdraw from the U.N.
3. Dropped an atomic bomb on Russian soil.
4. Set a date for Truman and Stalin to meet in Moscow.
5. Extended the Marshall Plan to include Russia's satellites.
36. Before Washington got around to clarifying its action, initial worldwide reaction was: 1. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen.
2. It is unbelievable.
3. It is a matter of complete indifference.
4. This may mean the end of the cold war.
5. Russia is just up to the usual propaganda trick.
Waging "Peace"
37. Late in May, when it was proposed that the U.N. Security Council investigate the Czech coup, Gromyko countered by:
1. Casting a double veto.
2. Walking out in stony silence.
3. Demanding that Dr. Jan Papanek's charges be stricken from the record.
4. Asking for postponement until he received the Kremlin's instructions.
5. Denouncing U.S. "aggression" in Greece.
38. In Italy, a potent election force in the Christian-Democrat victory was: 1. An untimely eruption of Vesuvius.
2. Father Lombardi's "Crusade of Love."
3. The new concordat between Moscow and the Vatican.
4. The refusal of the Pope to take sides in the election.
5. Publication of Mussolini's dying words, recanting his Fascist beliefs.
Western Union
39. Five nations--France, Britain, Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxemburg--meeting in Brussels, took an important step toward European Federation when they: 1. Signed a 50-year mutual assistance pact, with emphasis on a military alliance.
2. Agreed on a common currency.
3. Nominated Winston Churchill as a candidate for the first president.
4. Agreed on free trade between countries.
5. Decided to require teaching basic English in the schools of each country.
40. When some 600 delegates gathered in The Hague's 13th Century Ridderzaal to continue discussions of European Federation, Winston Churchill broke a precedent and surprised Dutch delegates and journalists by: 1. Suggesting that Holland eliminate the tariff on imported beer. 2. Smoking a cigar.
3. Saying that he disliked tulips.
4. Explaining why he disagrees with British Socialists on a United Europe.
5. Insisting on keeping his speech "off the record."
Palestine Question
41. King Abdullah of Transjordan was the center of Arab hopes in Palestine because:
1. He is a great ruler of a great state.
2. The Jews hate & fear him above all other Arabs.
3. His Legion is the most effective Arab fighting force in the Palestine arena.
4. He has no territorial ambitions in Palestine.
5. He was the least likely to agree to a Jewish state.
42. A few hours before Britain's mandate over Palestine had ended, a momentous announcement was made: 1. Proclaiming the establishment of a Jewish state, to be called Israel.
2. Stating that the Arabs had agreed to cease fire.
3. Asking that peace proposals be submitted to the British, King Abdullah and Jewish Prime Minister Ben-Gurion.
4. Declaring that Jerusalem had been completely demolished.
5. Reporting that 100,000 Jewish reinforcements had joined battle.
43. After weeks of debate on a trusteeship for Palestine, U.N.'s General Assembly lamely passed the buck to the Middle East by:
1. Voting for a trusteeship.
2. Repealing partition.
3. Asking the U.S. to withdraw recognition of Israel. 4. Authorizing a U.N. mediator to try to reach a settlement with Jews & Arabs.
5. Requesting Egypt to arrange a truce.
Gains and Losses
44. In January the U.N. could record one achievement; its Good Offices Committee reported truce terms had been agreed upon by: 1. India and Pakistan.
2. The Dutch and the Indonesians.
3. Argentina and Brazil.
4. Guatemala and Costa Rica.
5. Greece and Albania.
45. To replace Gromyko at the U.N., the Kremlin named: 1. Molotov. 2. Malik. 3. Kravchenko. 4. Beria. 5. Voznesensky.
46. U.N.'s Atomic Energy Commission made a fateful decision:
1. The U.S. would junk its stockpile and make no more bombs.
2. An international inspection agency would be allowed in all countries, including Russia.
3. All future discussions would be open to the public.
4. Russia would be barred from all future meetings.
5. Negotiations would be suspended because they seemed futile.
Britain and the Continent 47. A British film, No Orchids for Miss Blandish, had London film critics in a tizzy over its portrayal of: 1. Wartime life in Britain.
2. British prisoners of war.
3. U.S. gangsters.
4. A refugee child and his mother.
5. The difficulties of building a house.
48. The death penalty for murder was abolished for a trial period of five years in: 1. Great Britain. 2. France. 3. The Netherlands. 4. Sweden. 5. Russia.
49. Belgium's Premier Paul-Henri Spaak resigned recently, then agreed to withdraw his resignation when his compromise was adopted: 1. Calling in all bank notes larger than 100 francs.
2. Allowing dollar credits for consumer goods rather than heavy reconstruction.
3. Declaring a holiday for Whitsuntide.
4. Settling the Socialist-Catholic dispute over school subsidies.
5. Breaking down the tariff wall between Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxemburg.
50. Princess Elizabeth and Philip were enthusiastically received on a recent visit to: 1. Paris. 2. Montreal. 3. Washington. 4. Stockholm. 5. Moscow.
Latin America
51. During the International Conference of American States, an insurrection was touched off in Bogota by:
1. A witchhunt for Communists.
2. The Colombian Army's revolt.
3. The assassination of Liberal Chieftain Jorge Eliecer Gaitan.
4. A May Day parade.
5. A nation-wide air pilots' strike.
52. A major objective of Central American exiles, who helped Rebel Leader Jose Figueres to victory in Costa Rica, was to: 1. Induce Manuel Mora to return.
2. Smash three dictators--Somoza, Trujillo and Carias.
3. Get guns from Havana which were seized by the Cuban army.
4. Hold a meeting in Puerto Limdn.
5. Form a coalition government, including Communists and rightist landlords.
53. Novelist Romulo Gallegos Freire became the first popularly elected President of:
1. Cuba. 2. Costa Rica. #. Peru. 4. Colombia. 5. Venezuela.
54. Anticipating the National elections, Argentina's President Peron rattled the bones of his nation's long dispute with Britain over:
1. Tristan da Cunha. 2. The Galapagos Islands. 3. The Falkland Islands. 4. The Straits of Magellan. 5. Tierra del Fuego.
55. And another longtime dispute over the jungle territory of Belize broke out between: 1. Guatemala and Great Britain.
2. Ecuador and Bolivia.
3. Paraguay and Brazil.
4. Mexico and Nicaragua.
5. Panama and Colombia.
56. Late this spring, the U.S. ended a policy of not recognizing dictatorial governments, when it recognized: 1. Argentina. 2. Costa Rica. 3. Nicaragua. 4. Peru. 5. Dominican Republic.
57. A multimillion dollar border racket between the U.S. and Mexico is:
1. Exchanging dollars for pesos at exorbitant rates.
2. A revival of oldtime cattle-rustling.
3. Securing visas for Mexican labor needed in the Texas oil fields.
4. Smuggling.
5. Whippet-racing.
58. Canada's Saguenay River, long ago explored by Jacques Cartier, yields great riches by:
1. Providing the gateway to an empire rich in gold and diamonds.
2. Opening a new Northwest passage.
3. Providing electric power for the world's largest individual aluminum plant.
4. Leading to the discovery of vast quantities of material used in making aluminum.
5. Making tourist trade the leading industry in Saguenay valley.
The Far East
59. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek recently named as Premier of the Chinese Republic:
1. Dr. Wong Wen-hao.
2. General Ho Ying-chin.
3. General Li Tsung-jen.
4. Sun Fo.
5. Chu Cheng.
60. Dr. Syngman Rhee, who has been branded a "reactionary," proposed a program for Korea which included all but one of the following: 1. Nationalization of heavy industry, mines, utilities, banks and transportation.
2. Redistribution among small farmers of estates and confiscated Japanese lands.
3. A planned economy.
4. A soak-the-rich tax program with total exemptions for poorer classes.
An Army of 100,000 to equal North Korea's Communist-trained forces.
61. Japan had become a poorhouse living on U.S. bounty and could change the situation only by: 1. Ousting General Douglas MacArthur.
2. Restoring sufficient world trade.
3. Nationalizing industry.
4. Removing the Emperor.
5. Buying more textile machinery from India.
AROUND THE WORLD WITH THE NEWS Directions: Located on this map, and identified in the statements below, are scenes of recent developments in the news. Write on the answer sheet (opposite the number of each statement) the number which correctly locates the place or event described. 62. This nation uneasily accepted Stalin's handwritten invitation to discuss a mutual assistance pact. 63. April elections here brought a showdown between Communist and anti-Red forces.
64. Mysterious land which made news this winter when its Imam (ruler) was murdered.
65. The U.S. was the first U.N. member to recognize this new state.
66. Chilean President Gonzales personally restated claim here to territory also claimed by Britain.
67. This was the site chosen for the GOP and Democratic conventions.
68. Independence came to 15 million former British subjects here in January. 69. This "bridge" between East and West fell, under Communist' pressure, in March. 70. On this island, a New York-born Premier lost his job after 16 years. 71. Here, after a 50-year reign, a sovereign gives up the throne.
72. Without the usual polite little note of farewell, President Truman dropped Dr. Thomas Parran from his job as: 1. White House physician. 2. Army Surgeon General. 3. Navy Surgeon General. 4. U.S. Public Health Service Surgeon General. 5. Medical advisor for Indian reservations.
73. After many garbled rumors, the University of California admitted that it had created the first man-made meson, which is: 1. An underground stream of water.
2. A mysterious, short-lived particle, closely connected with the unknown force that holds all matter together.
3. A special drug that is likely to ward off heart diseases.
4. A substitute for gasoline.
5. A controller of earthquakes.
74. Denver's Dr. Frank Rodney Drake believes a whole group of illnesses should be labeled iatrogenic, which means: 1. Caused by microbes. 2. Doctor-caused. 3. Caused by lack of salt. 4. Caused by dry air. 5. Caused by shock.
75. Using his infra-red spectrometer, astronomer Gerard Kuiper reported that Mars contains:
1. Man-made canals. 2. Definite evidence of trees and bushes. 3. Solid carbon dioxide. 4. Only solid rock formations. 5. Water in the solid state.
76. Doctors generally continue to regard it as a disease of high-strung victims of a jittery civilization--despite recent findings that certain West African natives also suffer from:
1. St. Vitus' dance. 2. Schizophrenia. 3. Stomach ulcers. 4. Epilepsy. 5. Sleeping sickness.
77. Doctors voted 10-to-1 against serving under the New National Health Service Act in: 1. California
2. Britain.
3. France. 4. New York State.
5. Australia.
78. Progress was made in combating man's No. 1 enemy in the tropics: 1. Jungle rot.
2. Yellow fever.
3. Malaria. 4. Boredom. 5. The tsetse fly.
79. One of medicine's unsolved mysteries was recently unraveled with the discovery that the malaria parasite hides for 10 days in the human: 1. Appendix. 2. Gall bladder. 3. Brain. 4. Pancreas. 5. Liver.
80. A small engine nicknamed "the Broomstick," displayed recently in Britain, was hailed as the forerunner of a power revolution for all but one of the following reasons: 1. It has no liquid cooling system.
2. It is almost completely vibrationless. 3. It weighs only 250 Ibs. 4. It burns low-priced fuel. 5. It utilizes a practical form of atomic energy.
81. During 1948, at least 600,000 Americans will die from the nation's No. 1 killer: 1. Cancer. 2. Infantile paralysis. 3. Highway accidents. 4. Heart disease. 5. Virus X.
82. Aerosporin, newly discovered by the research team of Dr. George Brownlee at Wellcome Laboratory, England, is: 1. A new fertilizes which hastens plant growth. 2. A new antibiotic which proved in tests many times more effective than streptomycin. 3. A new drug which helps keep pilots of supersonic planes from "blacking out." 4. The cohesive substance which keeps atomic particles together. 5. A hitherto-undetected element existing only in the stratosphere.
83. Broadway's smash hit picturing a shipload of men worn down by lack of change, lack of women, lack of war is: 1. Red Peppers. 2. Make Mine Manhattan. 3. Shore Leave. 4. Angel in the Lights. 5. Mister Roberts.
84. No opera written since the days of Puccini had so much advance praise as the Met's first new opera of the year:
1. Wagner's Gbtterdammerung.
2. Mozart's Don Giovanni.
3. Gertrude Stein's Four Saints in Three Acts.
4. Benjamin Britten's Peter Grimes.
5. Annie Get Your Gun.
85. On the spot for the second time, for having written bourgeois and ideologically impure music, was one of the following Russian composers:
1. Rimsky-Korsakov.
2. Shostakovich.
3. Glinka.
4. Ippolitov-Ivanov.
5. Tchaikovsky.
86. In Civilization on Trial, British Historian Arnold J. Toynbee writes that the people most likely to survive in the event of all-out atomic war would be the:
1. Tibetans.
2. South Sea Islanders.
3. Pygmies of Central Africa.
4. The Mayan Indians.
5. Australian Bushmen.
87. Widely acclaimed by critics as being perhaps the best novel yet about World War II, was: 1. Night and the City.
2. Of Time and The River.
3. The City and the Pillar.
4. The Naked and the Dead.
5. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye.
88. Making its longest tour in 40 years was Manhattan's: 1. Original Oklahoma! cast.
2. Metropolitan Opera company.
3. Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo.
4. Philharmonic Society.
5. World's Champion Yankee baseball club.
89. Reminiscent of the Ziegfeld era was Broadway's revival of the musical that starred Marilyn Miller: 1. Girl Crazy. 2. Rose Marie. 3. Roberta. 4. Sally. 5. The Ziegfeld Follies.
90. Appropriately performed by Manhattan's 70-piece Doctors' Orchestral Society, on the New York concert stage, was: 1. Dr. Herman M. Parris' The Hospital Suite.
2. A mass appendectomy.
3. The Symphony for Surgical Instruments.
4. A tone poem, Bellevue.
5. The score of an opera based on Sinclair Lewis' Arrowsmith.
91. On a six-week visit to Broadway was the distinguished Palestine acting company, the: 1. Haganah.
2. Habimah.
3. Hatikvah. 4. Hadassah.
5. Hashana.
92. Better than the play, said some British critics of Sir Laurence Olivier's most recent Shakespearean effort: 1. Hamlet. 2. Richard III. 3. Macbeth. 4. Henry VIII. 5. Love's Labour's Lost.
93. Uncovered, after 62 years, was the Henry James novel: 1. The Ambassadors.
2. Daisy Miller.
3. The Princess Casamassima.
4. The Turn of the Screw.
5. The Viking Heart.
94. United Fruit Co.'s President Samuel Zemurray donated a brand-new $250,000 chair in anything-at-all to Harvard on condition that:
1. A woman sit in it.
2. He have the final say-so on the selection.
3. The candidate agree to stay at least ten years. 4. It be given to a Harvard graduate. 5. The candidate have at least 15 years experience in teaching.
95. A top-rank British painter having his first one-man show in a decade was: 1. John Singer Sargent.
2. Henry Moore.
3. Augustus John.
4. Edward Hopper.
5. Winston Churchill.
ANSWER SHEET CONTINUED 51. 65. 79. 93 52. 66. 80. 95 94 53. 67. 81.
54. 68. 82. PIC 55. 69. ARTS TURE: 56. 70.
57. 71. 83 97. 96. ... ...
58 84.
59. SCIENCE 85 86 98 99 .... ....
60. 72 100. ..
61. 73 87 101. .
MAP 75 74 89. 102 62. 76 91. 90. 104. 103.
63. 77 105.
64. 78 92.
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