Monday, May. 31, 1943
Will You Love Me In November?
In Unionville, Mo., Republicans preened themselves on having founded what they believed to be the first MacArthur for President Club. Elsewhere throughout the land, pollsters took the nation's May political pulse, reported the following:
> Dr. Gallup's interviewers found Democratic hearts beating strong (79%) for Roosevelt as their 1944 nominee. Trailers: Wallace 8%, Farley 5, McNutt 4, Douglas 2, Byrnes 1, Winant 1.
> Republicans ranked seven possible nominees thus: Dewey 38%, Willkie 28, MacArthur 17, Bricker 8, Stassen 7, Saltonstall 1, Warren 1.
> A Gallup "trial heat" matching Presidential tickets gave Roosevelt & Wallace 54% of the national vote, Dewey & MacArthur 46%.
> FORTUNE surveyors asked pollees whether, if the war is still on by election day next year, they would favor Roosevelt's reelection. Yes, 64.8%; No, 27.8%; Don't Know, 7.4%. Would they favor Term IV if the war is over by election day? Yes, 33.3%; No, 59.2%; Don't Know, 7.5%.
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