Monday, Nov. 25, 1935
Incubator Miracle
A viable hen's egg may be hatched in three weeks, but three months are if anything a bit brief to hatch a complicated international treaty. Nonetheless, in October liberal William Lyon Mackenzie King, campaigning before the Canadian general election, promised if he became Prime Minister to negotiate a trade treaty* with the U. S. within 90 days. Only fortnight ago Prime Minister King went to Washington to see Franklin Roosevelt and in the heat of their mutually impetuous goodwill the treaty was incubated. Last week, only seven days after Mr. King had first nested in a White House bed, only ten days after conversations had been opened between the experts of the two Administrations, the treaty, engrossed and ready for signing, lay on the President's desk.
Not that Franklin Roosevelt ever signs such trade agreements. They are signed by the Secretary of State, authorized to do so under a document called a "Full Power." The customary place of signing is the cold, funereally decorated diplomatic reception room of the State Department. There Cordell Hull has signed agreements with Cuba, Haiti, Belgium. Sweden, Brazil, Colombia./- But because Canada is a far better trade prospect than all those countries combined and because Franklin Roosevelt loves nothing better than a sudden spectacular coup such as a ten-day treaty-hatching, the scene of the signing was transferred to the President's office.
There Franklin Roosevelt, technically like King George only an interested spectator, occupied the centre of the stage. Surrounded by the full Cabinet (saving Secretary Bern who is in the Philippines), half a dozen Canadian officials and 17 functionaries of the State and other Governmental departments, the President shared his desk with the two principals. Prime Minister King and Secretary Hull. Flashlights coruscated, cameras clicked. Mr. King put on his horn-rimmed spectacles, Mr. Hull, very proud and erect, put his black-ribboned pince-nez on his nose, pens scratched internationally and a new treaty opening new canals of trade and floodgates of political oratory was born.
P:Reasons that Americans will have for being thankful on Thanksgiving Day, 1935 (according to Presidential proclamation ): 1) "More and more of our people understand and seek the greater good of the greater number." 2) "Selfish purpose of personal gain at, our neighbor's loss, less and less asserts itself." 3) "Peace at home is strengthened by a growing willingness to common counsel." 4) "Our peace with other nations continues through recognition of our own peaceful purpose."
P:Nebraska's 74-year-old utility hating statesman, Senator George W. Norris--unlike Virginia's 77-year-old Glass and Idaho's 70-year-old Borah--loves to talk privately about retiring from public life. Recently passing through Salt Lake City, Utah, he talked about it, in his usual vein, to local newshawks. Promptly the news was flashed from coast to coast: Senator Norris would not run again in 1936. Franklin Roosevelt, questioned about the news in press conference, genially expanded. Said he: "If I were a citizen of Nebraska, regardless of what party I belonged to, I would not allow George Norris to retire from the United States Senate, whether he wanted to or not, for the very good reason that I feel he is necessary not only to Nebraska but to the United States as long as he lives." Senator Norris, on reaching Los Angeles, denied the Utah remarks credited to him.
P:Two unrelated incidents of last week cost Franklin D. Roosevelt a certain num-ber of Roman Catholic votes: 1) In a letter to the Knights of Columbus of New Haven, the President reiterated that his policy would be one, in no sense of "indifference," but absolutely of "nonintervention" with the Mexican Government in its domestic war on the Catholic Church. 2) Charles Edward Coughlin, the loud Michigan radio priest who once cried "Roosevelt or Ruin" and since has differed with the New Deal on several issues, made the breach definite. He publicly proclaimed: "Today I humbly stand before the American public to admit that I have been in error. . . . Like a grotesque Colossus, this Administration stands astride the two extremities of social error. . . ."
P:War in the Chaco having long since been buried in old newspaper files, President Roosevelt last week proclaimed that, provided Bolivia and Paraguay would import no arms and munitions until after a formal treaty of peace had been ratified, the U. S. embargo on such shipments to them would be lifted as of Nov. 29.
P:Whenever two or three men are banded together they can, if they will just drop a note to the White House, be virtually assured of a formal chit from the President of the U. S. expounding his sympathy with their aspirations, his admiration for men of their calling, perhaps his appreciation of the civic virtues of their creed, race, or particular forbears. Last week the members of the New York Board of Trade settled back in their chairs at luncheon to hear a chit written by the President specifically to be read to them. It had come in answer to a letter from one of their officers, assuring the President that they had been incorrectly reported in the Press as opposed to his Neutrality Proclamation. Up sat the members in their chairs, however, for after saying he was glad that the report had been an error the President continued:
"I know you will not mind my saying that, in my opinion, many persons throughout the country have drawn the conclusion from this and other published statements that your organization is, broadly speaking, opposed to most of the acts and policies of the United States Government."
Promptly the Board of Trade's executive committee chairman rose to say: "It is not a question of the acts and policies of the United States Government, but rather the acts and policies of a temporary administration of the United States Government!" (applause).
*A trade "treaty" to Mr. King, a trade "agreement" to President Roosevelt because under (lie Act passed by Congress in 1934 such "agreements" do not need to be ratified by the U. S. Senate whereas "treaties" (by Constitutional requirement) must be. /-Not yet in force because still unratified by Colombia's Senate.
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