Monday, Nov. 13, 1933

Dallas' Party

Sirs: It should interest you to know that a number of Dallas people are somewhat peeved that TIME went off on a tangent, or so it seems to them, in its issue of Oct. 30. They feel that all the power and the glory of Jim Farley's Texas visit should not have gone to Amon G. Carter, who played a part but not the whole show.

TIME neglected Dallas' part in the entertainment of the distinguished guests. It was in Dallas that they enjoyed a splendid banquet in the Busch-owned Adolphus Hotel, the only State-wide function arranged for them; and in Dallas, at the State Fair of Texas, that they were greeted by a cheering crowd of some 35,000 Texans, the biggest turnout for them during their visit here. In Dallas, also, they enjoyed a charming and cosmopolitan society at the beautiful home of the Rue O'Neills that they were not privileged to enjoy elsewhere in the State. In Dallas there was no friction to mar their visit, such as there was in Fort Worth and in San Antonio.

TIME neglected any mention of the splendid entertainment at Anacacho Ranch, the beautiful estate of Ralph W. Morrison 50 miles from the Mexican border. It was here that Will Rogers put on a real rope-twirling show:, taking a glass out of Amon Carter's hand and throwing Airman Vidal and Treasury-man Roberts, two former football stars. Here also Jim Farley rode a horse for the first time, he said, in his life, getting on with some difficulty while a secretary held his watch. Will Rogers rode the same horse, Edna May's King, retired undefeated champion stud of the world, a horse that Morrison says he paid $40,000 for and refused $75,000.

Mr. Carter, who apparently hates Dallas like he hates the Fergusons, had said that he would not come to the banquet here So no place was provided for him at the speakers' table. Will Rogers persuaded him to enter the banquet hall, and when he did he took the only available place, an empty chair at the press table.

At Arlington Downs the Fergusons were the guests of the Waggoners and were invited to occupy their box, just as was Jim Farley. At a luncheon before the races, Mrs. Ferguson made a charming and appropriate little speech to the effect that everybody had come to see the races and not to hear speeches and what were they waiting on? ...

... The News did borrow TIME's phrase about Jim Farley, "big, bald and breezy," and gave appropriate credit.

IRVIN S. TAUBKIN Dallas, Texas

San Angelo's Lapowskis

Sirs: Am just a bit curious to know by what authority you say in TIME Oct. 16, in speaking of Clarence Dillon (Read & Co.) "whose father ran a general store in San Angelo and changed his name from Lapowski to Dillon before Clarence was born"--because--and I speak in a great measure from personal knowledge-- The American career of the Dillon-Lapowski family began in Victoria, Texas m the persons of Sam (Dillon's father) and Nathan--a Capt. & Col. in the Texas National Guard--serving in the World War with an enviable record. Sam moved to San Angelo & ran a general store in the name of and was always known as Lapowski: though Clarence had already "arrived" (his first) or did so during that residence. Sam's San Angelo venture eventually failed and he moved to El Paso, Texas--where, associated with his brother Nathan failure repeated itself--yet (but without Nathan) he tried once more; and one might say "died in the attempt," for the business was going when he passed on. Shortly thereafter his widow and daughter Evelyn (Clarence's sister) departed, still known as Lapowski. Nathan Lapowski's widow and sons still reside in El Paso as Lapowskis. However, and this is interesting: while the Sam Lapowski family resided in El Paso, Clarence Lapowski-Dillon spent a short time there one summer, vacationing from musical study in Europe --and was introduced by sister Evelyn as "my brother Clarence Dillon." To the many "how comes?" "social history" records no entirely satisfactory replies. Clarence Dillon's picture shows him to favor his father and your "smooth cheery" description, along with the smile, would indicate that he has also inherited the wit and humor for which his father "Sam Lapowski" was known, well illustrated by the following story, I often tell, to illustrate like situations: Sam Lapowski's El Paso neighbor was one Stevens, pioneer realtor, robust, energetic, a veritable fanatic on exercise which often found vent in "sunrise lawn-mowing." One day Lapowski burst into Stevens' office demanding that he (Stevens) desist from his sunrise activities or permit him to hire his mowing done at a more sane and reasonable hour. In explaining the outburst to the nonplussed Stevens, who was about "to go into action," Lapowski said his wife thought him lazy because he liked to lay abed and every time Stevens went to mowing at "so ungodly an hour" all he heard was "Sam, Stevens is up and at work don't be so lazy ad infinitum. . . ." J. KRAKAUER

San Francisco, Calif.

Dramatic History


Many congratulations for your terrific symphonic presentation of Eastern Shore, Maryland's latest contribution to the art of collective justice. Naturally, Baltimoreans were particularly moved by your radio account of the lynching. It's the talk of this town. The irony of the thing, of course, is that the radio penetrates even unto Eastern Shore, where at least some of the participants in that pageant must have heard it in the rational quiet of their homes.

Your program, gentlemen, is quite the finest thing on the air. It is, I think, the only attempt to handle the medium of the radio with subtlety and color I know of. Invariably I find in it a filling of the senses, a spur to the imagination. You are making serious dramatic history,

I. T. SHAPIRO Baltimore, Md.

Castle of Quivera


Perhaps your worthy publication has been deluged with protests from loyal Nebraskans to the effect that we do not have the "Quivers" out here. I refer to your statement on p. 49 ot your Oct. 16 publication in which you state that our King Ak-sar-ben and his Gracious Consort were crowned in the "Royal Castle of Quivers." Since we Nebraskans leave all of the "quivering" to Californians, may I inform you that it is the "Royal Castle of Quivera!" One thing you may be sure of--there is nothing "quivering" in the enthusiasm of this particular Nebraskan for TIME. MARGARET R. FISCHER

Fischer, Fischer, Fischer & Fischer


Omaha, Neb.

Residents of Omaha and Nebraska claim that when Spanish Explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, in 1541, went in quest of Quivera, a town of which an Indian prisoner had given a glowing description ("a land of gold"), he came to Nebraska. When he arrived, he found nothing more than a village of seminomadic Indians, realized that the stories of streets paved with gold were myths, returned to Mexico. But the land has become a land covered with gold--the gold of corn and wheat. Hence Nebraska's annual Royal Castle.--ED.

Man-of-the-World Morgan


To anyone who has known Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan, the recipient of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, your description of him in TIME (Oct. 30) is utterly ridiculous and somewhat impertinent though I suppose it was intended to be only humorous.

In reality, Dr. Morgan is a tall, fine-looking Southern gentleman, a man of the world, in the best sense of the term, with manners and dress in keeping. Anyone would know at a glance that he is a person of importance and distinction whether met in laboratory or drawing-room, or on the tennis court, where he takes his regular exercise. I hope you will publish this accurate description as a partial atonement for your objectionable one.


Princeton, N. J.

Among the bottled fruit flies which produce for him 25 generations in a year, and from which he elicits the secrets of inheritance, Scientist Morgan is always a gentleman but rarely a man of fashion. Evidence: the photograph in TIME, Oct. 30.--ED.

Gemmenich and Wasserbillig

Sirs: In current issue of TIME, p. 16, 2nd paragraph right hand column, it is stated that 'Luxembourg, the first land Germans invaded in 1914 ... "--and I am submitting the name as recalled by me as the first place (by name) in Luxembourg to be so invaded, Gemmenich! It seems that this event is worthy of recording more definitely than, as has been generally known--that Luxembourg was the point of violation, and I am asking you to have the information checked and, if found to be true, that Gemmenich be given the publicity it deserves. And as only TIME can give it! My information came to me while I was serving as an Executive Assistant to Herbert Hoover during those memorable Food Administration days. As I recall the incident, it was printed in one of the issues of La Libre Belgique, number of which I have, of course, not remembered. The story was printed advising the readers that the German premier had disclosed to the Reichstag that the day before he was speaking, "our army has violated the neutrality of Belgium at Gemmenich." I am passing on this information (memory of it) to you, for checking, as it seems probable that Germany will, sooner or later, be invading some other place. . . . CATHERINE MACLENNAN Hermosa Beach, Calif.

According to the Grand Ducal Government of Luxembourg, not Gemmenich (which is in Belgium) but Luxembourg's own WASSERBILLIG should receive publicity as the first town into which invading Germans marched in 1914.--ED. Cow Flies Fooled

Sirs: As a subscriber to TIME since the beginning of TIME or thereabout, I want you to carry on a very special little investigation for me. While in Chicago last week, visiting the Century of Progress--and by the way we did enjoy TIME and FORTUNE'S dignified exhibit--but the subject for the investigation of which I speak is the cow in the International Harvester Exhibit. Not the cow exactly but three or four flies that crawled up and over and across the rear flankof the cow. I want you to find out for me if they are real, swattable flies or just bits of mechanism. The cow is mechanical, she moos and moves her tail and head at spaced intervals. I do not think the milk real, which the automatic milker extracts from her bag but the flies crawling on her side and flank I was not able to ascertain their status. You recall the old saying, "You can't fool a horse fly. Can cow flies be less intelligent? MRS. JOHN BLOCK WHITTEN Atlanta, Ga. The flies were real and untrained. But the milk was not real milk.--ED.

Recognition Beat Sirs:

TIME errs (p. 9, col. i, Oct. 30) in stating that the United Press scored a great "beat" on the Russian recognition.

It is fact that the United Press was beaten nearly an hour by International News Service, and the Associated Press was scooped by several hours, thanks to the enterprise of Moscow Correspondent Linton Wells.

Undoubtedly as TIME states, United Press queried Moscow; but it probably was about Wells's beat already being cried by newsboys.

International's beat is verified by the time of receipt of the bulletins of I. N. S., U. P. and A. P. in newspaper offices using all of the services such as the Des Moines Register & Tribune, Denver Post and Los Angeles Herald-Express, or papers using I. N. S. and one of the other services, such as Kansas City Star, Chicago American, St. Louis Star, Boston American, Minneapolis Star, Camden Courier-Post, and many others.

At Denver, for instance, the first bulletin came from I. N. S. at 9:52 a. m. local time; the U. P. limped in with the news at 10:33 a. m. local time. Of course, I. N. S. had a corresponding lead over the opposition at other points.

Nor was this beat exceptional: when it happened opposition services were still smarting over I. N. S.'s more-than-24-hour scoop on Germany's decision to withdraw from the League of Nations.



International News Service, Inc. New York City

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