Monday, May. 26, 1930
"Names make news." Last week the following names made the following news:
Edward Stephen Harkness, whose total benefactions amount to over $100,000,000, gave $1,000,000 to the Boy Scouts of America.
Actress Maude Adams, 58, creator of the role of Peter Pan, whose last Manhattan performance was in 1917, announced that she would return to the stage next autumn.
In Manhattan, the plump hand of Marion Talley, onetime Metropolitan Opera soprano, was held by one Gene Dennis, female fortune-telling vaudevillian, who said: "You are going to have an Al
Jolson career rather than a Galli-Curci one."
Prince Tomislav of Jugoslavia, aged two, toddled unsteadily on a balcony at the Royal Hunting Lodge in Toptchider Park, suddenly launched into space with a wild yell. Below, a sentry heard the royal cry, dropped his rifle and made a neat scoop catch of sprawling Princeling Tomislav. Still too excited to be angry at the nurse who had been so careless with his second son, King Alexander summoned the sentry, watched him pass through successive stages of delight when he heard he would be: 1) promoted to the rank of sergeant; 2) released from serving the remainder of his 18-month military term, compulsory to all Jugoslavs; 3) receive $600 at once; 4) be given a pension for the rest of his life.
A burglar alarm frightened away thieves who tried to plunder the Lake Forest, Ill., home of Secretary of Commerce Robert Patterson Lamont.
The return from Europe of Banker Thomas William Lamont, Morgan partner, was heralded in the New York Daily News by publishing his picture over the caption: BIG BULL.
George Ullman, onetime business manager of Rudolph Valentino, who has been the cinemactor's executor since Valentino's death in 1926, was temporarily removed from his trusteeship after an appeal by Alberto Guglielmi and Mrs. Maria
G. Strada, brother & sister of the deceased. Executor Ullman said that Cinemactor Valentino left $164 in cash and $200,000 in debts, that he has since liquidated the estate, now estimated at $250,000. Simultaneously, in Hollywood's De Longpre Park, an idealized, modernistic figure titled "Aspiration" was erected in memory of the late cinemactor.*
Sir Joseph Duveen, famed art dealer, self-righteously, but on figurative crutches, stamped out of the $500,000 lawsuit prosecuted against him by Mrs. Andree Hahn (TIME, Feb. 18, 1929). He had prevented her selling a picture to the Kansas City Art Museum for $250,000, by asserting that her picture, which she believes is Da Vinci's "La Belle Ferroniere," was a copy of "La Belle Ferroniere" in the Louvre. To get out of the lawsuit and more lawyer fees Sir Joseph has paid
Mrs. Hahn approximately $100,000, and the compliment of calling her painting "of great antiquity." But he still insists that the true Da Vinci is in the Louvre.
The day after Calvin Coolidge celebrated his first year as an insuranceman, he and Mrs. Coolidge and six helpers moved their belongings from the renowned double house on Massasoit Street, Northampton (Mass.), to their new $50,000 residence, The Beeches.
George Washington Hill Jr., son &
namesake of American Tobacco Co.'s president, last week was tapped for Scroll & Key, Yale senior society. Other sons of famed fathers tapped for Keys included: Donald Roderick McLennan Jr., son & namesake of a potent Chicago financier; Rowland Stebbins Jr., whose father, a member of the New York Stock Exchange, is also the Laurence Rivers who produced The Green Pastures; James Gamble Rogers Jr., son & namesake of Yale's famed Architect Rogers (Harkness Memorial Quadrangle, Sterling Memorial Library). Famed because of his polo, Raymond Guest, young brother of Winston Guest, was also tapped for Keys. Among juniors tapped for Skull & Bones, oldest senior society, were Henry John Heinz Jr., son of the famed "57 varieties" tycoon; Lewis Abbot Lapham, son of Roger D. Lapham, president of American-Hawaiian Steamship Co. Also tapped for Bones were Football Captain Francis Thomas Vincent and Yale Daily News Chairman, William Anthony Lydgate, famed for an honest Prohibition questionnaire (TIME, March 24). Into Wolf's Head went Alexander Loder Wiener, Tilden-tutored tennis player.
Percy Crosby, cartoonist, creator of Skippy, bought a full page in the Washington Herald, devoted it to a public appeal for "a frank, honest admission that Prohibition is a failure." He declared that he had sworn never to drink again "with or without repeal." "How many good people know that high school children are going to any lengths to obtain liquor? How many people know that boys are entering classes with gin on their hips, and as the day progresses, sit through their study periods in drunken stupor? How many of the reformers, out peddling their creed, actually know that they are doing so at the expense of their young daughter's virtue?"
Sonny Capone, 11, only son of Alphonse ("Scarface Al") Capone, No. 1
U. S. gangster, entertained 50 of his small friends at a party on the lawns and in the outdoor swimming pool of his father's Miami Beach estate. Father Capone cut huge slices of layer cake for his son's guests, helped distribute balloons. He also demanded that each guest produce his parents' written permission to attend the affair, which was surveyed by Miami Beach policemen, armed tooth and nail, stationed at Father Capone's gates.
Heywood Broun, famed, unkempt, Manhattan colyumist (New York Telegram; The Nation), appeared as a vaudeville monologist at Manhattan's famed Palace Theatre.
*Valentino's sleek, Latin ardor made him the most popular cinemactor of his time. (Died Aug. 23, 1926.) Last week the tabloid New-York Daily News announced the results of a poll to determine the most popular cinemactors of the present. The winners, by a great margin: Charles Farrell & Janet Gaynor (Seventh Heaven}. Their specialty: the depiction of youthful saccharine romancing.
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