Monday, Nov. 11, 1929


In a high building on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue is a tiny office upon whose door was painted last week the legend: Tail Waggers' Club. Inside sat Lorance Miller, former Kennel Editor of the Sportsman, now American Secretary to the Tail Wagger-in-Chief. All day Miss Miller now dockets dog-identification cards, reads eager letters from subscribers, receives contributions. Her mother, Daisy Miller, famed for her radio dog-talks, is executive secretary of the U. S. branch of the Tail Waggers' Club.

The club's purpose is to insure happier tail-wagging in all U. S. dog-homes. Careful records are kept of all dog-members, including peculiarities (such as a hoarse bark, a missing eye, discolored teeth). A number-tag is attached to each member's collar and when he strays the finder telephones or telegraphs the Tail-Waggers who notify the owner if and when the lost is found. Other advantages are free medical advice, six months' subscription to The Tail Wagger, official organ of the Tail Waggers' Club. The fee is $1 a year. Dogs have been entered from Korea, New Zealand, Persia, Iraq.

The Tail Waggers' Club grew out of a drive made a year ago in England by the Royal Veterinary College. President of the world organization is The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Chesterfield, K. G.