Monday, Nov. 11, 1929
Janitors' Salaries
Chicago and the University of Chicago are fast accustoming themselves to the presence of 30-year-old Robert Maynard Hutchins, youngest great-university president in the land (TIME, May 6). Last week he addressed Chicago's Union League Club, delivering himself of several quotable remarks, including the following:
"Continue to pay janitors' salaries to college professors and you must be prepared to expect your children to receive teaching upon a level which will fit them to be janitors. . . .
"I've been told that no man should become a professor unless he has prospects of being selfsupporting, either through marriage or otherwise, until he is 45 years old. I can hardly regard with respect or approval professors who marry for money and teach for love.'"*
*President Hutchins, a devoted husband, entered teaching because the vistas of his first position (Dean of the Yale Law School) looked brighter than the apprentice years of a practicing lawyer.