Monday, Oct. 21, 1929
Stresemann's Successor
Not for many a year will Germans find a statesman to take the place in world politics of Gustav Stresemann. But last week they found a man to take the late famed Foreign Minister's vacant seat in the Reichstag.
Name: Heinrich Havemann.
Profession: housepainter.
Statesmanly Qualifications: minuscule.
Housepainter Havemann, a faithful henchman of Dr. Stresemann's People's Party, failed to get into the Reichstag when he stood for election a year ago last Spring. Therefore he was on the panel of defeated candidates from which Reichstag vacancies must be filled under German law. The party of him whose seat is vacated is allowed to choose his successor from the panel. Last week it merely chanced that lucky Housepainter Havemann stood first on the People's Party's list of disgruntled gillies slated for easy honors.