Monday, Oct. 21, 1929

Town & Country

Surprised and happy was the Hoffman household last week when Craig Hoffman, wealthy New Jersey farmer, was brought home from jail. Brooding and resentful were the Polish mill workers of Manville, N. J. when they heard of Hoffman's release. Six weeks ago (TIME, Sept. 2) four ragged children from Manville's Poletown, two little Kolesars and two little Klementoviches, made an expedition to Farmer Hoffman's cornfield to snitch a few ears of corn for a "roast." As they crept through the tall corn rows a gun was fired close by. Johnny Kolesar, riddled with shot, died that evening. The two Klementoviches were also struck. Johnny's sister identified Craig Hoffman as "the man in the brown pants" who fired the shot. Hoffman was hustled off to jail, held without bail.

After six weeks the Grand Jury found the evidence against Farmer Hoffman insufficient. It supported his alibi, doubted Anna Kolesar's identification. Sole suspect of the murder, he was released unconditionally. The county prosecutor stated that unless new evidence was presented, the murder case was closed.