Monday, Oct. 14, 1929
National Affairs
Oct. 12-19--National Dairy Show at St. Louis. Oct. 21--President Hoover goes to Detroit for Henry Ford's dedication of the Edison Laboratories; Oct. 22--goes to Cincinnati for the celebration of the opening of the $100,000,000 improved Ohio River waterways; Oct. 23--inspects Louisville Dam. Oct. 25--New $6,000,000 Japanese motorship Asama Marti arrives in San Francisco on maiden voyage.
Foreign News
Oct. 11-25--Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald continues his three-week visit to U.S. & Canada; Oct. 25--sails from Quebec for England. Oct. 10-18--Institute of International Law meets at Briarcliff Manor, N. Y., as guests of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Oct. 28--Institute of Pacific Relations meets at Kyoto. Oct. 29--British Parliament reconvenes at London. Oct. 30--General election in Ontario, Canada.
Oct. 11-21--Continuation of national air tour for Edsel B. Ford Reliability Trophy. Oct. 12-27--Southwestern aircraft exposition at Dallas, Tex.
Oct. 11-16--Continuation of meeting of International seismologists at Pasadena, Calif. Problem: more accurate measurements of speed of earthquakes. Oct. 15--Mme. Marie Curie arrives in U. S. to receive a second gram of radium from U. S. admirers.
Oct. 14--American College of Surgeons meets at Chicago.
Oct. 14--Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Jewish holiday, vigil of fasting and repentance. Oct. 15--Patrick Joseph Cardinal Hayes leaves New York on yacht lamara for two-month European cruise.
Oct. 28--Opening of 24-week Manhattan season of the Metropolitan Opera Co.
Oct. 18--Inauguration of Dr. Clarence Augustus Barbour as tenth president of Brown University. Oct. 25--Columbia University begins six-day celebration of its 175th anniversary.
BASEBALL Oct. 11-16--Continuation of World Series (Chicago "Cubs" v. Philadelphia "Athletics"). Remaining games: Oct. 11, 12. 14 at Philadelphia; Oct. 16 at Chicago. FOOTBALL (Oct. 19) East: Harvard v. Army at Cambridge; Pennsylvania v. California at Philadelphia; Cornell v. Princeton at Ithaca; Columbia v. Dartmouth at New York. South: Georgia Tech v. Florida at Atlanta; North Carolina v. Georgia at Chapel Hill. Midwest: Notre Dame v. Wisconsin at Chicago; Northwestern v. Minnesota at Evanston; Iowa v. Illinois at Iowa City; Michigan v. Ohio State at Ann Arbor; Nebraska v. Pittsburgh at Lincoln. West: Stanford v. Oregon State at Palo Alto; Southern California v. Occidental at Los Angeles; California (Southern Branch) v. California Tech at Pasadena. FOOTBALL (OCT. 26) East: Carnegie Tech v. Notre Dame at Pittsburgh; Harvard v. Dartmouth at Cambridge; Princeton v. Navy at Princeton ; Yale v. Army at New Haven. South: Florida v. Georgia at Jacksonville ; North Carolina v. V. P. I. at Chapel Hill; Tulane v. Georgia Tech at New Orleans; Washington & Lee v. Tennessee at Roanoke. Midwest: Illinois v. Michigan at Urbana; Missouri v. Nebraska at Columbia; Ohio State v. Indiana at Columbus; Wisconsin v. Iowa at Madison. West: Stanford v. Southern California at Palo Alto; California (Southern Branch) v. Pomona at Los Angeles. GOLF Oct. 16, 17--U. S. women's senior championship at Rye, N. Y.
Oct. 17--Southwestern Tennis Association championships at El Paso, Tex. Oct. 28-Nov. 1--Mid-South championships at Pinehurst, N. C.
Oct. 11--16--Continuation of international star class championships at New Orleans. Oct. 18-20--Gulf star class for Lipton Trophy at New Orleans.
Best Plays in Manhattan
STREET SCENE--Sacred and profane love in Manhattan's slums (Pulitzer prize-winner).
JOURNEY'S END--Wartime destruction of nonchalance in a dugout filled with British gentlemen.
IT'S A WISE CHILD--A girl upsets her home town by pretending she is with child.
PORGY--Lyrical life of Carolina Negroes (return engagement).
CIVIC REPERTORY THEATRE--Eva Le Gallienne's splendid company in great plays (Tchekov, Moliere, Quintero) at top price of $1.50. Jacob Ben-Ami acts there this season.
STRICTLY DISHONORABLE--In a speak-easy an opera singer tries to win a mistress, gets a wife after grand comedy.
SUBWAY EXPRESS--Mechanically ingenious murder in a subway train
MUSICAL: WHOOPEE, SHOW-GIRL-- Ziegfeld luxuries and ladies; FOLLOW THRU--Golfing gags and graces; THE LITTLE SHOW--Intimate and chic; HOT CHOCOLATES--Black, blue, hot; SWEET ADELINE--Scenes of the '90s with a Jerome Kern score; GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS--Decorative and pleasantly indecorous.