Monday, Jul. 15, 1929
In Lakeview, Chicago district, a boy, seven, fell off his front steps, was taken to a hospital. "What's your name?" asked the interne. Said the youngster: "Orange." A nurse brought him an orange. ''What's your name?" asked she. "Apple," replied the seven-year-old. Brows knit, the nurse looked in the telephone book, summoned Orange Apple Sr., father of the child.
In Manhattan, Joie McCarthy, 5, fell 50 feet, lost two teeth, laughed.
In Rice Lake, Wis., one J. F. Baskin last week offered $100 reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of the person who has been cutting off the tails of the Baskin cows.
In Evanston, Ill., one Robert Kenny was arrested while motoring alone. Reason: He was playing a ukelele, driving the car with his feet and knees. Said he: "I was imitating a Hawaiian."
In Elkhart, Kan., the Singing Masters' Association convened for a "sing," tried to yodel, couldn't, was forced to abandon efforts for two hours. Cause: Too much fried chicken had been devoured prior to the songfest.
In Macon, Ga., Phil Towns, 104, was arrested for Prohibition-law violation. Explained he: "I'm a deacon of the church, and just use it to keep in condition--as I have for 90 years."
In La Salle, Ill., one Thomas Tominillo was arrested for possessing a quart of moonshine. He was released. Reason: It was used for alcoholic rubs for his baby, recovering from pneumonia.
In Fairhaven, N. J., Chief of Police Joseph Herden was called to the home of one Pearl Mack to arrest someone who was pounding on the back door, making threats. Chief Herden went, arrested the pounder. She was Mrs. Herden, his wife.
In Chicago, George Greenwood drank embalming fluid, recovered.
On the high seas, last week, the liner Sud Americano stopped to rescue an overboard passenger. Passenger Olaf, a cat, sank 26 times, was dragged in as he was sinking the 27th. Seaman's tradition: Anything lost on maiden voyage brings bad luck. Olaf was on Sud Americano's maiden voyage.