Monday, Jun. 24, 1929
Heart Not Photographed
Walking like Agag in the sight of the Lord, delicately, Archbishop Leopoldo Ruiz y Flores, apostolic delegate, senior Archbishop of Mexico, and Emilio Portes Gil, President of Mexico, still jockeyed last week for a final settlement of Mexico's religious problem. Conferences progressed but neither side would make a definite statement.
Archbishop Ruiz y Flores beamed and said to cameramen:
"Do not photograph my heart, for then you would have a statement which for the time being I cannot divulge." But to Mexican newssheets which printed apocryphal articles of agreement, he said brusquely:
"Information which has been given out regarding concrete points alleged to have been discussed in conference is entirely untrue. . . . Nothing should be accepted as authentic unless it is a statement issued by either the Government of Mexico or myself on behalf of the church."
Undeterred, the Mexican press insisted that practical agreement had already been reached between Church and State, mentioned June 29, St. Peter's Day, as the day agreed upon for formal resumption of church services, the singing of Jubilate Deos and Te Deums.