Monday, Jun. 17, 1929

Fevers, Firing Squad

Last week, en route to Mexico, Dwight Whitney Morrow rode from Washington to San Antonio on the same train with Mexican Archbishop Leopoldo Ruiz y Flores, head of the Mexican Hierarchy. The venerable prelate, because of violent trouble between Church and State, had left Mexico a year before. Now, as delegate of a Pope who not only is Vicar of Christ but also a free sovereign, he was returning to discuss with Mexico's President Portes Gil the possible soothing of those troubles. Probably the Archbishop and the Ambassador talked. Possibly the Ambassador, as a U. S. Statesman, said things which pleased the Archbishop about the U. S. attitude toward the Church-and-State problem. Further assurance of significant train-talk was the fact that at San Antonio Mr. Morrow stopped over, allowed the Prelate to reach Mexico City twelve hours before him.

A week before Ambassador Morrow's return, five men stood against a wall in Queretaro. Mexico, were riddled by a firing squad. They had intended dynamiting the train on which Mr. Morrow left the country.