Monday, Jun. 03, 1929

Ford & "NANA"

The North American Newspaper Alliance,, "NANA," serves many a U. S. and foreign newspaper with syndicated articles, with news-giving stories. Fortnight ago, Henry Ford agreed to give an exclusive interview every week to A. M. Smith, able Detroit NANA newsgatherer who has "covered" Motorman Ford for some time.

In the first Smith-Ford interview which appeared in NANA-serviced newspapers last Saturday afternoon and Sunday, Motorman Ford had talked to Newsgatherer Smith on aviation. Astounded were some airmen, disgruntled were a few at some of the airwise remarks Motorman Ford made. Excerpts:

". . . Progress in aviation is not up to the mark. About all that has been done thus far has been to prove that we can fly. . . . "

But thus far we have done nothing really new in aviation. The great thing that must be done, and along essentially new lines, is to get a new type of power plant which will produce more power with less weight. . . ."

"There is as much chance for improvement in the means of air transportation as there was for automobiles 25 years ago. . . ."

"One feature of the aviation motor of the future is that it will be stopped by nothing but a smash or a pilot. . . ."

"I say all this not by way of finding fault, but to notify young men everywhere that the whole aviation job is yet to be done."