Monday, Jun. 03, 1929

Happier Valley

Peace came suddenly last week to Happy Valley, Tenn., where a strike of some 5,000 textile workers in the Bemberg & Glantzoff artificial silk mills at Elizabethton had dragged its way through six unhappy weeks (TIME, May 27). The strike ended when President Arthur Mothwurf of the mills agreed to take back striking workers, discuss their grievances, appoint a new personnel director. Peacemaker: Miss Anna Weinstock, 28, conciliator from the U. S. Department of Labor.

Dissatisfaction among his directors in New York at the mill's daily loss of some $40,000, due to the strike, was said to have put Dr. Mothwurf in a peace-making mood. Incognito, Miss Weinstock went to Elizabethton, secretly called upon Dr. Mothwurf, bargained for terms, induced the strike leaders to accept them, harangued the strikers themselves.

The terms: all employes would register for work. Those not rehired would be told why and if dissatisfied with the reasons, could appeal to a new personnel director, E. T. Wilson, in whom the work ers had high confidence. Strikers, as such, would not be discriminated against. The management would meet an employes' committee to adjust grievances. But Dr. Mothwurf, as is usual in such cases, was emphatic on one point. Said he : "I will deal only with former employes as such and not with the Union as a Union."