Monday, May. 27, 1929

"TIME brings all things."


In Chicago, one Henry Redfeldt wooed for six years a Wisconsin maiden he had never seen, sent her $6,000. Last week he sued his landlady, said she had devised the courtship, invented the maiden, stolen the funds, written the answers to his letters.


In the Detroit Creamery Co., Mt. Clemens, Ohio, radios were installed last week. Said Chief Herdsman W. H. Porter: "We don't know what effect it will have on the quantity of the milk but we do know the cows like it and are vastly more contented."


From the Statue of Liberty, in New York Harbor, jumped Ralph Gleason, aged 22. No man before him had committed suicide in this way.


In Logan, Ohio, Judge Harley M. Whitcraft suspended Warren Canan's one year sentence for perjury on the witness stand when Canan promised to read every Sunday for two years the commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."


In Manhattan, Dr. Joseph Thoms called on a Chinese patient, Tom Yin, asked for a fee. Tom Yin shot him five times, poured scalding water on his head, fled. Dr. Thoms is in a hospital, Tom Yin in jail.


At the base of Pike's Peak, last week, Bill Williams of Rio Hondo, Tex., started to nose-push a peanut. His purpose: To push it to the top. Mr. Williams acquired his nose-pushing habit last year when he lost an election bet on Alfred Emanuel Smith.


In Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson learned that their son, Melvin, who was in a hospital, had died of scarlet fever. Mrs. Anderson fainted. Later the parents went to the O. V. Mast Undertaking Co., but were not allowed to see the body because of the danger of contagion. As they prepared for the funeral, the undertaker sent word that the hospital had erred, that another Anderson-named child had died, not Melvin. Mrs. Anderson fainted again.


In Seattle, Count George Hay du Barry invented a red and white signal flag for distressed motorists. On one side appears the legend STALLED! SEND TIRE MAN; on the other SEND MECHANIC, PLEASE! HAVE A HEART!! For no other wayside dilemma has: Count du Barry prepared flags.