Monday, May. 20, 1929
Wilder Brains
Over four decades ago the brain of Professor Burt Green Wilder of Cornell conceived the idea that much could be learned about the functioning of the human brain if a collection of brains were established for comparative study. He announced the institution of the collection and invited contributions, especially from men of intellect. Naturally he willed his own brain to the collection. In 1925 he died and his thinking apparatus was carefully preserved in alcohol.
Dr. James W. Papez, curator of the Wilder collection, last week announced the results of his study of the Wilder brain. There was a pronounced development of the areas which are associated with scholarly gifts, such as has been found in the brains of some 40 other eminent persons. The length and depth of the furrows in the brain were marked. Especially was this true of the speech, visual and hearing areas. One peculiarity was the atrophy of the olfactory (sense of smell) region--a condition, apparently, of long standing.
One peculiarity of Dr. Wilder was that he abhorred tobacco smoke, was an antismoking crusader. Dr. Papez opened his notebook, made a note.