Monday, May. 06, 1929
Gauss v. Fosdick
To Yale last week went Princeton's learned francophile, Dean Christian Gauss, to speak at the annual banquet of Yale's Daily News. His points: undergraduates have a sound desire for cultural improvement, are not mercenary. Another point: "... Recently . . . Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick announced that there was less drinking in the colleges than before Prohibition. He cited Yale and Stanford. . . . The News and the Stanford Daily refused to accept the intended compliment. ... I do not know about New Haven but with regard to drinking in the colleges throughout the country I am afraid you are right. ...* You have finished with that bugaboo of conventional respectability which is today hobbling hypocritical legislators who vote 'dry' and live 'wet.' This to you is nauseating. This gives me the courage to believe that the present disastrous and demoralizing conditions cannot last into the period when some of you are representing your constituents in Congress."
*Some members of Princeton's present junior class boast that theirs is "the hardest-drinking class since the 'Nass' [Nassau Inn] "the bar closed."