Monday, Mar. 04, 1929


Antiprohibitionists have reached down in their pockets, pulled out cash and founded another organ to fight propaganda with propaganda, Dry with Wet. Freedom is the new organ's name, a monthly published in Manhattan by the so-called National Committee for the Repeal of the 18th Amendment,* "for Constitutional Government, repeal of the prohibition laws and restoration of the Bill of Rights." Fifteen thousand copies of the first issue were printed and circulated last week. It was mostly free circulation, but subscriptions were solicited.

The editors made this appeal to the public:

"Please have patience. Please remember that God Almighty in making the world created cockroaches, erysipelas, blizzards and reformers. Please don't expect a high degree of excellence from us in all things. We will be just as good as the public, to which we look for our support, helps us to be, not a bit better."

*Not to be confused with the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment.