Monday, Mar. 04, 1929

The House Week

Work Done. The House of Representatives last week:

P:Adopted a resolution to investigate U. S. District Judge Francis Asbury Winslow of Manhattan on charges of bankruptcy irregularities; received similar charges against U. S. District Judge Grover M. Moscowitz of Brooklyn.

P:Passed a bill to extend administrative life of the Federal Radio Commission until March 15. 1930.

P:Held group memorial services for eleven deceased members of Congress (see p. 14).

P:Passed a bill to regulate the load line on vessels of 250 or more tons in U. S. ports.

P:Adopted a resolution congratulating Speaker Longworth on an LL.D. received by him from the University of Pennsylvania.

P:Debated hotly the $191,000,000 final deficiency appropriation bill carrying $75,000,000 tax refund item lost in deadlock on the first deficiency bill, also voted 230 to 125 against the appropriation of $24,000,000 for Prohibition enforcement; struck out provisions for two additional $10,000 secretaries to the President and for repair of Mount Weather, Va., as a Presidential retreat.