Monday, Jan. 28, 1929
House Week
Work Done. The House of Representatives last week:
P: Passed the War Department appropriation bill, carrying approximately $445,000,000 in direct funds for the coming fiscal year; sent it to the Senate.
P: Passed the independent offices appropriations bill, carrying $541,314,000 for many government bureaus; sent it to the Senate.
P: Heard Representative John Q. Tilson of Connecticut, Republican floor leader, declare that he would do his utmost to postpone action on many pending bills which would deplete the Treasury. "It would be unfair," he explained, "to Mr. Coolidge, to spoil the splendid record for economy made during the past six years and it would be even more unfair to Mr. Hoover to receive him into office with a treasury deficit."
P: Passed bills providing for three new Federal judgeships for the Southern District of New York; two for the Eastern District; one for the second circuit (N. Y., Vermont, Conn.).
P: Heard Representative Garner, Democrat, of Texas, resume his attack on Secretary of the Treasury Mellon, criticizing tax refunds to large corporations.