Monday, Jan. 21, 1929
The Crown
P:Physicians attending His Majesty George V again reviewed his illness for The Lancet:
"Progress, though slight, is definitely being made. The average rate of the pulse has diminished, and it is less easily disturbed by outside influences. In weighing the significance of these facts it must not be forgotten that there is still difficulty in feeding, wasting and exhaustion, and that these cannot be overcome without a long effort, especially the exhaustion produced by the gallant and extended struggle for life--an element that throughout the case has given the greatest anxiety."
P: So extremely rare is even the slightest variation in Queen Mary's health that last week the Empire was not unmoved when it was known that Her Majesty had a "slight cold."
P: Reassuring was the departure from Buckingham Palace last week of Their Majesties' only daughter, Princess Mary, Viscountess Lascelles. who returned to her country seat, Goldsborough Hall, Yorkshire. Throughout the King's illness Princess Mary had constantly remained with the Queen.
P:On several occasions last week Edward of Wales visited Buckingham Palace, accompanied by his little yapping cairn terrier bitch Cora.
P: Indiscreet Sir William ("Jix") Joynson-Hicks, His Majesty's Home Secretary (TIME, Jan. 14). now vacationing on the French Riviera, said last week that he thought Their Majesties might soon remove from bleak London to sunny Menton, a few miles from Monte Carlo.
P:Sir Edward Elgar, Master of the King's Musick, said at a public luncheon last week: "We have the satisfaction of knowing that the King is slowly recovering, and in a few months, unless there is an accident, we shall have him among us again.