Monday, Dec. 31, 1928
The House Week
Work Done. Last week the U. S. Representatives:
P: Adopted a resolution relieving the Government's special counsel in Oil Scandal cases from the law prohibiting U. S. employes from representing law clients against the U. S. in other suits.
P: Adopted the Senate's changes in the Boulder Dam bill. The bill went to the President.
P: Passed a $143,000,000 supply bill for the Department of Agriculture; sent it to the Senate.
P: Debated and passed a $111,889,000 supply bill for the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, Labor. The total appropriation was some $100,000 over Budget Bureau recommendations. President-Elect Hoover's oldtime Department of Commerce benefited most. The measure went to the Senate.
P: Rejected the Senate's amendments to the $285,000,000 Interior Department supply bill; sent the bill to House-Senate conference.