Monday, Dec. 17, 1928
New Report
Postmaster General Harry Stewart New had to report that his branch of the Government, theoretically, selfsupporting, showed a deficit of 33 millions for 1928, an increase of $5,000,000. But he was not downhearted. Establishing and popularizing the Air Mail had been an extraordinary expense. Some day the Air Mail may more than pay for itself and, anyway, it is a valuable encouragement to U. S. aeronautics. Mr. New urged that similar encouragement be given the U. S. Merchant Marine by extending U. S. mail contracts to U. S. shippers.
Some Post Office Department statistics:
Average per capita expenditure for postage during the year $5.11.
Pounds of mail "franked" by Congressmen and others 162,102,915 or $17,634,510 worth.
Miles flown by the air mail 5,585,224
Cash astray in mails $98,678.17
Stray drafts, money
orders, checks $5,249,170.99
Pieces of "dead" mail 23,649,044