Monday, Nov. 12, 1928
Profit $22,425,000
Recently carping, scandal-mongering Afghans have been conducting a whispering campaign against their Europeanized King Amanullah.
They whispered that the King's recent European trip (TIME, Jan. 23--June 4) had been a ruinous, reckless extravagance, and that the Treasury's coffers are nigh to emptiness.
Last week, King Amanullah put abrupt end to such rumors. Pridefully he pointed out that his European trip had cost $75,000, but that the gifts he received were worth $22,500,000.
Observers recalled that in Paris, London and Berlin King Amanullah purchased lavishly on his Royal credit and then sent the bills to the Governments whose guest he was. Since Afghanistan is a land of promising markets for European goods, the bills were paid.