Monday, Oct. 29, 1928


Additions to Hooverism included:

P: John H. Grill, longtime Democrat, Minnesota farm leader. Reason: "Mr. Hoover . . . is the most logical man we have ever had for president."

P: George Remus of Cincinnati, onetime bootlegger, ex-convict, wife-slayer: "I'm sure Mr. Hoover will be elected. I am for him, of course."

P: Mrs. Margaret Sanger, famed apostle of Birth Control. Reason: "Most politicians go in for externals but Mr. Hoover has his interest embedded in fundamentals. ... It was Mr. Hoover's regard for child life that won me."

P: Dr. Francis M. Schirp, President of the New York Federation of German Catholic Societies, and President L. A. Ewald of the United Bavarian Societies of New York. They and others disputed the significance of the Endorsement of Nominee Smith, last fortnight, by the executive committee of the nationwide Steuben Society.

P: Mrs. Alexander M. Kohut president of the World Congress of Jewish Women. Reason: the Hoover relief work in Europe.