Monday, Oct. 22, 1928

Fashion Congress

Universal are the laws of fashion. Truly fashionable urbanites will not be content to keep hats, gowns,, suits in the latest mode. As distinct and almost as mercurial are style changes in shoes, gloves, jewelry, corsets, furs, silverware, automobiles, china, glass, trunks, musical instruments, furniture, toilet goods, perfumes.

To the Ritz -.Tower, Manhattan, journeyed last week over 200 manufacturers and advertisers of these products. When each and every one had come to order, the first general U. S. fashion conference was declared to be in session. Experts and analysts explained and prophesied the swift revolutions of fashion. Foremost among fashion students, Manhattan's Amos Parrish (TIME, Aug. 20) distributed credit for notable efforts to make the U. S. fashion-conscious. Mr. Parrish praised:

"1) The fashion selling job done by Macy's.

"2) Woolworth's effort through employment of seven persons to search out interesting fashion ideas that can be sold at ice a copy.

"3) The way Best & Co. is telling its fashion story. . . .