Monday, Oct. 22, 1928

Gorilla Sanctuary

BELGIUM Gorilla Sanctuary A bowing major-domo announced "Mrs. Mary L. Jobe Akeley and Dr. J. M. Derscheid," when that intrepid pair returned from Africa to Brussels, last week, and were received by the King of the Belgians. Graciously His Majesty permitted Mrs. Akeley to set up a portable cinema projector; and soon life-size cinemagorillas were capering, fighting, leaping high, and giving suck to their young before the gaze of King Albert and Queen Elizabeth. The films were taken in the Belgian Congo, where Dr. Derscheid and Mrs. Akeley have been laboring to complete a suitable memorial to her late husband, Afric explorer Carl Akeley. The memorial is a stoutly fenced and protected park with a massive gateway above which swings a sign: The Gorilla Sanctuary.