Monday, Oct. 08, 1928


There are nearly 500 newspapers in the U. S. printed in foreign languages. Chicago has 60 of them; New York City, 61.*

Last week, the oldest Italian daily newspaper in New York, Il Progresso Italo-Americano (founded 1880), was sold to Generose Pope, president of the Colonial Sand and Stone Co., for $2,053,000--about twice the sum which Paul Block recently paid for the Brooklyn Standard Union.

This means that Il Progresso, with a circulation of 81,000, undoubtedly shows a profit of $200,000 a year; that foreign language newspapers are phenomenally valuable properties.

Il Progresso is but one of five Italian newspapers in New York City. Its most potent rival is Corriere d'America (circulation 53,401; 76,000 Sunday), which has been called the finest tabloid-sized newspaper in the U. S.

*There are only seven Chicago newspapers printed in English; 22 in New York City.