Monday, Sep. 24, 1928
Who is the contemporary Personification of the Spirit of America?
Some might say Calvin Coolidge, ex officio.
Some might say ocean-daring, self-effacing Charles Augustus Lindbergh.
Perhaps an authority on the subject might be Will H. Hays, a man who has known the dominant political party of the U. S. from bottom to top; who is an Elk, a 32DEG Mason and an elder of a dominant U. S. church (Presbyterian) ; the man who reigns magisterially over a dominant U. S. industry (cinema). Mr. Hays helped open a "social club" for the cinema trade in Manhattan last week. New York's Mayor, trig, glib James John Walker, was also present. In the course of his speech, Mr. Hays indicated Mayor Walker, grew intense and said:
"He is a New Yorker, but more than any other man he personifies the Spirit of America."
It was announced last week that the Personification of the Spirit of America would begin this week to stump for the Brown Derby. First speech: Newark, N. J., Sept.