Monday, Sep. 17, 1928


Various voters give various reasons.

Pro-Hoover reasons given last week included the following:

". . . to make doubly sure that the United States will never suffer the utter humiliation of hearing the furtive tread of the Tammany tiger in the corridors of the White House and in the vaults of the Treasury."--Dr. M. Carey Thomas, president-emeritus of Bryn Mawr College.

"While it is true that Coolidge has made a farce of enforcement, yet Hoover definitely promises that he will not allow any tampering with the Eighteenth Amendment or the Volstead law."--John A. McSparran of Lancaster, Penna., withdrawing as a Democratic candidate for Congress.

"A great example of the manhood of America."--Henry Breckenridge, President Wilson's Assistant Secretary of War.