Monday, Sep. 10, 1928
Registration Dates
Now is the time when citizens who want to vote, especially citizens who have never voted before, begin to wonder when and where they must register in order to vote in the Presidential election in November. Following is a list, State by State, date by date, showing where registration closes comparatively early. (In States not listed, voters may register up to the week before Election Day, or be sworn in at the polls on Nov. 6, or qualify by producing tax receipts.)
Arizona. Registration is required every two years. Citizens may register at offices of county recorders, notaries public or justices of the peace, any day up to and including Oct. 15.
California. Registration in the office of a county or city clerk of precinct board may be made up to and including Oct. 6.
Connecticut. Registration is permanent so long as the voter does not fail to vote. The registrars will meet Oct. 9 to hear applications and accept new names.
Delaware. Registration is permanent. Registration is open, with county clerks, until Oct. 18.
Florida. Registration is permanent so long as the voter votes. New names will be received by county and precinct supervisors until Oct. 13.
Illinois. The last registry day is Oct. 16 but voters can be sworn in on election day. Absentees can arrange to send in their votes by mail.
New Mexico. Registration is permanent except for nonvoters. Registry boards and county clerks receive registration until Oct. 23.
New York. Outside of New York City, persons who registered and voted in the last general election (1924) need not reregister. In New York City, voters must re-register for every general election. Precinct boards sit every Saturday, or on days posted locally, until two weeks before election.
Ohio. All voters must re-register this year. Registries will be open until the end of the third week before the election, Oct. 19 or 20.
Oregon. Registration is permanent and can be made by affidavit on Election Day. The regular registration period, in county clerks' offices, closes on Oct. 6.
Kentucky. Registration is permanent for voters who have not failed to vote. The Kentucky registries close on Oct. 2, the first Tuesday.
Louisiana. All voters must register once every four years. Registries will be open through Oct. 6.
Maryland. Except in the city of Baltimore, registration is permanent. Baltimoreans must register every two years. Boards of registry sit from about Sept. 25 to about Oct. 16.
Massachusetts. Registration is permanent. Once registered, always registered, unless you have changed your residence or failed to pay taxes. Boards of registry meet on dates which they announce locally, up to Oct. 24.
Minnesota. Registration is permanent, unless one has failed to vote. New voters are expected to register at the primaries or before Oct. 16 in villages, before Oct. 20 in cities. Minnesota voters may also be sworn in on Election Day.
Montana. Voters who have failed to vote must register again with a county clerk, notary public or justice of the peace. Registration closes Sept. 22, but persons who have registered before can be sworn inat the polls on Election Day.
Nevada. Registration is permanent but is cancelled by failure to vote. Registries close on Oct. 17.
New Jersey. Registration is permanent except for nonvoters and women who change their names by marriage. These must register again. Town clerks and registration commissioners sit until Oct. 9. Voters may also be sworn in on Election Day.
South Carolina. All voters must register by Oct. 6.
Utah. Voters whose names are on the last poll lists need not reregister. County clerks make up the new poll lists up to Oct. 6. But new registrations will be accepted by local agents up to Oct. 30.
Washington. Voters must register before Oct. 17 with a town or city clerk.
West Virginia. Registrars visit the election districts in May, June, July. County registrars will accept registrations (not necessarily delivered in person by the registrants) up to Oct. 17.