Monday, Aug. 27, 1928

Make Whoopee

SHOW GIRL--J. P. McEvoy--Simon & Schuster ($2). Apropos of Show Girl, Florenz Ziegfeld has written (or, at least, signed) his first book review; and in the distinguished Saturday Review of Literature at that. Likening the lives of showfolk to "April days blended of sun and showers," Mr. Ziegfeld brings Author McEvoy to task for letting his version of Broadway make such unadulterated whoopee. However, reviewer praises author as "a lusty fellow" who "writes with gusto" of Dixie Dugan "the hottest little wench that ever shook a scanty at a tired business man." Other characters are Dixie's devoted greeting card salesman--"a sweet boy, but he's so full of sediments;" her Argentine gaga, passionate Alvarez Romano; her sugar daddy, high-powered banker; her ghost writer on the Evening Tabloid. The jealous Argentine stabs the sugar daddy, the newspapers take Dixie up, the Evening Tab kidnaps her (offering a reward), and Dixie is off to a good start. Show Girl is excellent burlesque. And it makes amusing reading. But enough is enough. In fact, 50 pages is enough.