Monday, Aug. 06, 1928

Born. To Ann Harding (Mrs. Harry Bannister), actress (The Taming of the Shrew, The Trial of Mary Dugan, etc.), a nine-pound daughter; in Pittsburgh.

Engaged. Henry Huddleston Rogers Jr., 23, Manhattan scion, grandson of the late Henry H. Rogers, famed Standard Oilman; to Virginia Lincoln, Cleveland physician's daughter.

Married. James Montgomery Beck Jr., son of U. S. Representative James Montgomery Beck of Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Lionel Tennyson, niece of Margot Asquith, and onetime wife of Poet Tennyson's grandson; in London.

Married. Lillian Leitzel, strong arm "flying-trapeze queen" of Ringling's Circus ; to Alfredo Cordona, gymnast; in Chicago. "We're going to entertain circus crowds as long as we live," they said.

Marriage Annulled. Count de Janze and Countess Alice Silverthorne de Janze, onetime Chicagoan. Their divorce (1927) was followed by annulment by the Holy Rota, after the Countess' shooting of Raymond Vincent de Trafford, who had refused to marry her.

Appointed. Captain Sir Arthur Henry Rostron, commander of the S. S. Beren-garia, to succeed the late Sir James T. W. Charles as commodore of the Cunard Steamship Fleet.

Died. Mrs. Max Mason, wife of the onetime (1925-28) president of the University of Chicago, who resigned in May to join the board of the Rockefeller Foundation (TIME, May 21); of bronchial pneumonia; in Madison, Wis.

Died. John Jay, 50, Manhattan broker, direct descendant of famed first U. S. Chief Justice John,Jay; of appendicitis; in Hyannis, Mass.

Died. Charles Palmer, 82, Chicago architect, cousin of the late famed Potter Palmer; designer of the old Palmer House and of the Potter Palmer mansion which was recently sold to Brakemaker Vincent Bendix for $3,000,000; at Muskegon, Mich.

Died. Thomas Barlow Walker, 88, lumberman, art collector, philanthropist; of old age; in Minneapolis. Once a peddler of grindstones to farmers, he was recently said to have a fortune of $100,000,000, much of which he gave to the city of Minneapolis (The Walker Art Galleries, the Public Library, etc.) and to various charities.

Died. Captain William Rule, 89, oldest active editor in the U. S., founder (1885) and publisher of the Knoxville Journal; of appendicitis; in Knoxville, Tenn. Republican and veteran of the Union Army, he was nevertheless elected mayor of Knoxville in 1873 and, in 1898, caused Tennessee to enact an anti-duel law in defiance of the oldtime code of honor, became the man whose birthday Knoxville considered "next to Christmas" in importance.