Monday, Jul. 23, 1928


In obscure little Maribor, on the Jugoslav frontier lives Schoolteacher Polsjchak. Word went round that he knew strange things; that he had studied tuberculosis and cancer; that he had even cured neighbor Kretschnik's wife who was about to die of cancer, and that other one, old man Melchnikoff, who had a burning in his side like fire.

Curious doctors at the General Hospital heard the rumor, saw patients who had been given up as hopeless comfortably chatting in the streets. They came to see this Polsjchak, who told them of his remedy. For 20 years he had been studying tuberculosis and cancer, just as the neighbors said. Now he had invented a medicine which he called "abjinin," a mixture of vegetable juices and etheric oils which would cure internal cancer in three to six months; cutaneous cancer in a matter of weeks. The doctors were impressed. They invited Polsjchak to work at the hospital. So satisfactory were his results that a group of doctors applied for a license to establish a sanatorium for him. The Jugoslavian authorities refused the license; forbade his activities. Such was the report from Vienna last week.

Other curious cures have been reported from Russia; from Jugoslavia. They remain unsanctioned. To date medical authorities recognize only Xray, radium, the knife. Wise persons remember, on hearing spectacular sagas of carcinoma cures, that nature has a way of being her own healer. Just as the lumpy tumor arises, reason unknown; so it may occasionally be reabsorbed, reason unknown.