Monday, Jul. 02, 1928

Collins Woman Case

Justice wondered where to turn last week in South Carolina. At the suggestion of Governor Richards, the solicitor of Florence County re-examined Mrs. Maude Collins, about 60, a white trash woman whose testimony sent Ben Bess, a prosperous Negro farmer, to prison in 1915. Mrs. Collins had signed an affidavit this Spring confessing that she testified falsely to jail Ben Bess. On the strength of this affidavit, Governor Richards had pardoned Ben Bess in May. The re-examination of Mrs. Collins was to find if she had committed perjury (TIME, June n).

What confounded Justice was Mrs. Collins' new affidavit, to the effect that her "confession" was a document prepared for her by one John M. Timmons, a retired merchant, friend of Ben Bess. Timmons paid her $50, she said, for signing the document. She, illiterate, had not read it. She thought it just meant she forgave Ben Bess "for the wrong he had done her." Mrs. Collins, now threatened with perjury proceedings, maintained as at the original trial that Ben Bess raped her.

After hearing Mrs. Collins, the grand jury sent Ben Bess back to jail "for safekeeping." His friend, Timmons, said that Mrs. Collins was lying again; said he had read the "confession" to Mrs. Collins in the presence of her son.

Whether the new testimony of Mrs.

Collins held good or not, Ben Bess's pardon could not be revoked. But whether he was an injured innocent or a scheming black scamp, jail promised to continue his lot. There was a warrant out for his arrest on another charge. He had, they said, attacked a fellow prisoner with a knife.