Monday, Jul. 02, 1928
The Smith Week
There were some labor-union leaders to be lunched and golfed with; two bridges between Staten Island and New Jersey to open formally; a clemency plea from two convicted murderers to consider. There was an inaccurate "shot" in a Prohibition film to denounce and have omitted. Then there was Mrs. Smith's departure for Houston, the first time in a long time that Alfred Emanuel Smith had been separated from his wife for any great length of time. So Alfred Emanuel Smith had plenty to think about last week besides politics.
He denied one of the clemency pleas, granted the other pleader a reprieve. Accordingly, one Wilmot LeRoy Wagner was electrocuted at Sing Sing for killing two State Troopers who tried to arrest him in Caneadea, N. Y., last summer; and one Ludwig Halverson Lee, convicted of killing and dismembering two women, was told he might live until July 30.
The Prohibition film matter was settled satisfactorily when the promoters of the film admitted their fault and agreed to make a correction. It was a film called Deliverance, a moral romance meant to advertise among Y. M. C. A. men the stirring statistics of Professor Irving Fisher, Yale economist and Dry propagandist. The script had called for a picture of Governor Smith signing a bill. The producer had clipped a newsreel "shot" of Governor Smith signing a tax-reduction bill and then implied by subtitles that the bill shown was the repealer to New York's Prohibition enforcement act.
Saying goodbye to Mrs. Smith was momentous. She went from Manhattan on the private car of Contractor William Kenny, their old friend. Wife and friend expected him to be his party's settled choice for President of the U. S. before they saw him again. Mrs. Emily Smith Warner, who was to have been an alternate delegate at Houston, stayed at home with her father. Illness was the immediate cause but doubtless he was glad in a way. The youngest Smith son, Walter, also stayed in Albany.
There were two politically significant interviews during the pre-convention Smith week: 1) Atlee Pomerene, favorite son to whom the Ohio Democracy had pledged its delegates, called on Candidate Smith in Manhattan the day after Governor Ritchie of Maryland withdrew his candidacy. Observers concluded that Candidate Pomerene had offered to withdraw too, if and when desired.
2) A reporter from the militantly wet New York World called on Governor Smith and popped the following question: "In view of the question raised at Houston about Norman E. Mack's statement [see p. 9], the World wishes to know: Have you changed your belief that there should be amendment of the present Prohibition provisions?"
Governor Smith's eyes narrowed and he said: "I have not!"
Talk went about that, nominated for the Presidency, New York's Governor would resign. New York's Governor again denied this.
The most famed Smith learned that 10,000 persons named Smith were forming a Smith Association, planning a Smith picnic in St. Louis for mid-July.
P: A trainload of New York delegates paused at Albany. Governor Smith hand-shook on the platform. When he came to John William Davis, the Democracy's last nominee, he grinned and said: "So you're on your way, eh?"