Monday, Jun. 25, 1928
By decision of the Imperial Household Ministry a secret was revealed, last week, which had been successfully kept from the Japanese press and public for over a month.
Secret: On the island of Formosa one Cho Meika, a Korean youth of 21, took a dose of poison, six weeks ago, and instantly thereafter threw a dagger at Prince
Kuni, august father of the Sublime Empress Nagako.
Poorly aimed, the dagger merely pinked his Highness' chauffeur. Pouncing police not only collared would-be assassin Meika but efficiently forced down his throat a successful antidote to the poison he had taken. Today he is in Tokyo, alive and awaiting justice.
Bowed with shame Governor Mitsunosuke Kamiyama of Formosa resigned, last week, to expiate the stigma cast upon his administration. President Takeji Kawamura of the South Manchurian Railway Co., laid down his duties as such last week, to pop into the vacated governorship.