Monday, Jun. 25, 1928
Freak Suit
Against His Highness Prince Felix Youssoupov was brought at Paris, last week, a freak damage suit for $1,000,000 by Mme. Gregoriena Rasputin Solaviev, daughter of the late, detested "Black Monk," Gregory Efimovich Rasputin, evil nemesis of the last Tsar and Tsarina of all the Russias.
The "damages" which would scarcely be recognized as such by public opinion, arise from the fact that Nemesis Rasputin was assassinated by gentlemen of the highest Russian aristocracy at the palace of Prince Felix Youssoupov in Petrograd, Dec. 15, 1916. Among Russians of the old regime Prince Youssoupov is honored as a deliverer and the assassination is invariably referred to as an execution.