Monday, May. 21, 1928
The House Week
Work Done. Last week, the U. S. Representatives:
P: Passed a bill raising the pay of 135,000 Government employes a total of $18,000,000 per annum; sent it to the Senate. P: Passed the Senate's bill to raise the retirement pay of 3,390 War officers who were disabled 30% or more, to the scale paid regular retired officers, entailing $2,294,000 per annum (average, $56.40 per month per officer); Representatives Johnson (South Dakota), McClintic (Oklahoma) Luce (Massachusetts), Rankin (Mississippi), Vincent (Michigan), Huddleston (Alabama) opposed this bill but it was passed without a roll call. P: Passed a bill authorizing $1,770,000 in the next five years to breed game-fish. P: Voted 169 to 159 for an adjournment blocking a vote on the Senate's measure to have the Muscle Shoals power and fertilizer project operated by the U. S. P: Passed the bill urged by Col. Lindbergh (opposed by Assistant Secretary of War Davison) to put Air Corps officers on a promotion list separate from other Army officers; sent it to the Senate. P: Passed a bill raising the Army rank of Dr. James F. Coupal, White House physician, from Major to Colonel. P: Passed a bill authorizing $5,000,000 to eradicate pink boll-weevils in cotton States; sent it to the Senate. P: Passed the Senate resolution authorizing $1,000,000 for a George Rogers Clark museum at Vincennes, Ind.