Monday, May. 14, 1928
Death of Sweet
Representative Thaddeus Campbell Sweet of New York telephoned Bolling Field one afternoon last week and asked Lieutenant Bushrod Hoppin, U. S. A., to fly him to Oswego, N. Y., where he was to make a speech. Such calls from Congressmen are encouraged by the War and Navy Departments. Lieut. Hoppin did not get the Representative's name very clearly but proceeded at once with preparations. They took off after breakfast next morning, in a new Army observation plane. By late-luncheon time, the plane was a wreck and Representative Sweet was dead.
Lieut. Hoppin, known as a careful pilot,* met a nasty-looking rain squall between Binghamton and Cortland, N. Y. He thought it best to land and selected a field on a stock farm. The field was knobbly. The ship bounced and turned a somersault. Mr. Sweet, having unbuckled his safety-belt, was pitched against the cockpit wall. A head blow killed him. Lieut. Hoppin, belted in his seat, was unbruised.
Citizens who feel that President Coolidge should under no circumstances ever fly with Col. Lindbergh marked the unfortunate end of an able legislator and said: "You see what might happen?" Friends of flying replied: "Once in a thousand times."
* Lately he was chosen to fly the Chilean Ambassador to Texas and back.